  • 學位論文


Compositions of Geometry Unit with Parametric Design and Digitial Fabrication

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 陸金雄(Jin-Shyong Luh)


建築造型的設計多半是由幾何當作分割造型的基礎,這裡借用幾何單元作為構築的原型,以由下而上的方式做出不同單元的排列組合,接著以不同獨立單元為主要的組合對象,並選擇一種構築方式來進行各種操作。除了製作模型來測試單元組合之於真實環境的可行性,也以數位工具模擬在不同造型下的排列方式,並且將單元的組合分類出幾種類型。 一開始先介紹的是單元的原型,在這裡以四邊形、三邊形、六邊形與多邊形為例,用幾何在平面上繪製不同的排列組合,模擬單元組合時的圖案。單元類型則以線性、面狀與物件當作分類,而構築後單元與單元之間的關係則是先以案例的方式做組合造型的分類。 接著是以互承結構的方式來製作模型與數位模擬,以單元類型分三類,來了解單元組合時的情形,並找出單元與單元構築的關係,除了優缺點之外也包含須注意的地方,像是節點之於單元的比例也很重要。線性、面狀與物件都是以互承結構的方式各做出兩種的組合,在電腦繪製的部份是以參數化的方式進行模擬,可以改變比例大小與數量。 最後回到設計的前端,將小單元的組合看成是各種不同的網格的設計,當能控制網格的類型與比例大小,就能做出需要的造型並且搭配不同的單元類型就能建造出不同的組合造型,整個設計的時間與過程就會大幅縮短並且能製作更多的組合。結合不同的構築方式製作因地制宜的建築,能配合當地的技術做出適合當地的臨時建物,也能配合使用者的喜好製作出客製化的造型,讓因地制宜且造型跟工法做配合變得是可行的且因人而異。


單元 模組 由下而上 數位製造 快速架構


Most architectural design is based on geometrically segmented shapes. Geometric shapes are used to construct element prototypes, where different combinations and arrangements of elements are generated from a bottom-up approach. Different individual elements are then chosen as subjects, and are put together in different ways. In addition to making models to test the feasibility of combinations in reality, digital tools are used to simulate different arrangements. Moreover, the element combinations are categorized into several types. This study attempts to use element prototypes, such as a triangle, quadrilateral, hexagon, and polygon and different combinations of elements are arranged on a plane to simulate the patterns. Element types are categorized according to linearity, planarity, and objects and the relationship between elements is categorized on a case-by-case basis. Digital simulation and model construction are carried out for reciprocal structure. Elements are divided into three types to understand their combinations and to identify the configurative relationship between them. In addition to discussing the defects and merits, details that require attention are identified such as the importance of the node-to-element ratio. Two combinations are created for each linearity, planarity, and object, respectively, based on reciprocal structure. Parametric design is conducted in computer modeling, and the size, ratio, and quantity can be adjusted. Combinations of small elements are viewed as different grid designs. If the type and scale of the grid can be controlled, the required model can be constructed. Models of different combinations can be built using different element types, thus the duration of design is significantly shortened, and more combinations can be generated. Temporary buildings appropriate for the area can be designed and constructed combining different fabrication techniques with the construction method that suits the local environment. With the ability to customize the model to users’ preferences, buildings suitable to the local environment can be achieved through parametric design and the digital fabrication process.


Agkathidis Asterios
Schmidt Petra , Stattmann Nicola
[C]space DRL10 Pavilion
light_diffusing wall


