  • 學位論文


Investigation and Design Application of Applying Depth Cues of Perspective and Contrast to Enrich Spatial Experience in Scenic Design

指導教授 : 戴楠青


光在感知中扮演了重要的媒介角色,藉由視覺系統接收處理來自環境中發散與反射的光,獲得了環境的資訊,進而理解我們所視的三維空間。然而在接收的環境資訊中有干擾或是不充分的情況下,根據我們過往所累積的視覺經驗,有時會錯誤引導我們的視覺理解過程,產生視錯覺的現象,而這些視錯覺現象往往是穩定且重複地發生。 人類藉由景深線索來判斷空間深度,景深線索不但被運用在平面的圖像表現中,也在舞台佈景上被利用,而東西方舞台上的運用手法又略有不同。本研究針對兩種景深線索:「透視」與「明暗對比」所造成的空間視錯覺現象進行分析與探討,探討這兩種二維景深線索對三維空間感知深度視錯覺的影響。以數位模擬輔助設計的方式,測試因果關係,最後再以一舞台設計來驗證如何使用「透視」與「明暗對比」來營造多變錯視空間的可行性。 藉由東西方藝術的文獻回顧,分析「透視」與「明暗對比」在二維圖像空間與三維實體空間之間的關聯。以不同文化下發展出的劇場空間設計,總結二維圖像景深線索之「透視」及「明暗對比」與三維空間感知深度營造的因果關係。研究同時以數位模擬方式來檢視,「透視」與「明暗對比」所造成的空間錯視感知深度效果的相互效應。 設計驗證以淡水禮拜堂前之藝術穿堂為基地,「愛麗絲夢遊仙境」為劇目。基地之人文與歷史背景呼應「透視」與「明暗對比」兩種景深線索在東西文化下各自發展的同異,其建築與自然環境則提供兩景深線索的應用機會,劇目「愛麗絲夢遊仙境」則在劇情中提供了多變空間的需求。本研究藉由街道劇場的設計,在基地一側有代表西方文化的教堂,另一側有東方山水意象的淡水河岸與觀音山遠景,利用「透視」與「明暗對比」,以數位模擬輔助設計來驗證利用景深線索營造多變視覺空間的可行性。


Light plays an important role in our visual perception. Through the light emitted and reflected from the environment, our visual system can understand three-dimensional spatial layouts. However, the perceived visual information may be distorted by interference or scarcity of input, resulting in optical illusions. Optical illusions are frequently consistent. Depth cues are the visual information by which humans determine the depth of a space. Depth cues can be exploited in two-dimensional pictorial representations, and are also applicable to three-dimensional scenic design. This study analyzes two depth cues, i.e., “perspective” and “contrast,” and their effects on the depth perception of two-dimensional art and three-dimensional space. The cause-effect relationship of the depth cues and their illusory spatial effects were investigated by a computer-aided design process. The study concludes with some design strategies for evaluating “perspective” and “contrast” in scenic design to verify the feasibility of adopting illusory depth effects in three-dimensional stage design. The street stage design is based on the open space ahead of the Tamsui Church. The play for the street stage is “Alice in Wonderland,” in which the spatial scale varies from scene to scene. The architectural context and natural environment are ideal for applying the proposed design strategy, as western architecture and urban fabric appears at one side of the site, while the other presents rivers and distant mountains, Illusionary spatial effect are incorporated in the scene by computer-aided design. The proposed framework will use the depth cues of “perspective” and “contrast” to enrich spatial experience in three-dimensional space design.


Brockett, Oscar G., Margaret Mitchell, and Linda Hardberger, Making the Scene: A History of Stage Design and Technology in Europe and the United States (San Antonio, Tex: Tobin Theatre Arts Fund, 2010)
Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture (New York: Praeger, 1960)
O’Shea, R P, S G Blackburn, and H Ono, ‘Contrast as a Depth Cue’, Vision research, 34 (1994), 1595–1604
Palmer, Stephen E., Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology, 1 edition (Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1999)
Ruppertsberg, Alexa I., and Marina Bloj, ‘Rendering Complex Scenes for Psychophysics Using RADIANCE: How Accurate Can You Get?’, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23 (2006), 759
