  • 學位論文


Study of the critical factors on the sales of video-based e-Commerce

指導教授 : 鄭啟斌


由於網路基礎建設日益完善、覆蓋率也愈來愈高,智慧型手機已深入民眾生活成為不可或缺的3C商品。科技進步帶來的便利性、突破空間性,加上電子商務盛行,對於傳統電視購物造成業績下滑的衝擊,各家業者均積極投入在開發行動載具上的呈現,以確保對消費市場的佔有率、維持公司的永續經營。 本研究蒐集台灣M電視購物影音平台2015年3月1日至2015年8月31日間的交易資料、觀賞影音記錄共116,626筆資料,透過羅吉斯迴歸進行分析,目的在討探電視購物電子商務平台的影音呈現(由專人解說具聲光效果的節目)及不同產品類型下消費者完成購買的狀況,並加入個人特徵、促銷型態等因素,應用於數位影音型態的方式對於消費者購買意願的影響狀況。 本研究的重要結論為,影音型態對於消費者購買意願有差異,產品類型在「美妝保健」、「健康休閒」、「居家生活」及「3C家電」對消費者購買意願有差異。而本研究加入的行銷型態對消費者購買意願有差異;在個人特徵方面,性別對消費者購買意願有差異,年齡則只有「01~19歲」、「20~24歲」區間消費者對其購買意願無差異,其餘年齡區間對消費者之購買意願均有差異,希望本研究結果可以提供有意在影音電子商務經營業者的參考依據。


Along with the mature of communication network infrastructure and its broad coverage, smartphones have attached to people’s everyday life and become an indispensable device. Such a technology facilitates the prevalence of E-commerce and causes the decline of the traditional TV shopping business. Industry has engaged in the presentation of merchandise on mobile devices to strive for market share and sustainability. This study aims to investigate the critical factors that affect the purchasing intention of the viewers of the TV-shopping shows on mobile devices. The shows are hosted by professionals to present the merchandise. Transaction records between Mar. 1, 2015 and Aug. 31, 2015 (116,626 records in total) of a local TV-shopping firm are collected for identifying the critical factors with a logistic regression analysis. The independent variables of the regression model include product types, individual profile, viewing patterns (live broadcast or on-demand), and type of promotion. This study finds that the purchasing intention of customers are significantly affected by product types, individual profile, and viewing patterns, while promotion type is not significant. In particular, product types of beauty & health, health & leisure, home life and 3C home appliances, have different effects on purchasing intention. In terms of individual profile, gender does affect purchasing; age is critical as well except the ranges of under 19 and 20~24 years old. The results of this study would be useful for the industry to formulating the marketing operations.


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