  • 學位論文

政治涉入程度、訊息來源可信度、 正負性訊息以及訊息訴求方式對 廣告影響效果之研究

The Research of Political Involvement , Message Framing Source Credibility, Positive and negative messages , Effects of Advertising Message for Cognition on Advertising Performance

指導教授 : 婁國仁
共同指導教授 : 李月華(Yueh-Hua Lee)


本研究旨在探討政治涉入程度、訊息來源可信度、正負性訊息與訊息訴求方式等四個變數,其對廣告影響效果的直接影響。而其中,訊息來源可信度又可將之區分為:政黨訊息可信度、候選人本身訊息來源可信度、知名政治人物訊息可信度與來自民眾各面訊息的可性度;正負性訊息分為正面訊息與負面訊息;而訊息訴求方式又可分為理性訴求與感性訴求,廣告影響效果本研究以廣告態度、候選人態度,與投票意願來加以衡量佐證。實驗樣本來自於桃園縣(中壢市、平鎮市)具有選舉資格的居民做為研究對象,至於本研究係以便利抽樣的方式抽取受訪樣本。於前測取得120份之有效問卷,而在正式施測樣本時,問卷取得574份有效之問卷。在本研究中所需要的統計分析方法包括:描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等來加以驗證假設。 本研究結果指出訊息來源可信度對廣告效果有正向相關,而負面訊息較能吸引選民對於廣告效果的注目,過去學者以理性訴求方式達成廣告效果,而本研究亦發現,若在廣告之中加入的感性訴求加強民眾心裡感受,另加入知名政治人物的訊息來源,更能夠使選民對於廣告效果有顯著的相關。本研究結論之實證結論,均有顯著相關,俾以對後續研究有所助益。


This study aimed to investigate the degree of political involvement, message source credibility, message framing and message appeals the four variables to see its effect on the direct impact of advertising. Which, message source credibility could be divided into political message credibility, source credibility of the candidates themselves, credibility of prominent political figures and messages from the public information; message framing could be divided into positive and negative message; and message appeals can be divided into rational appeal and emotional appeal. Advertising effects will be measured by advertising attitude, the attitude of candidates, and voting willingness. The object of eligible residents have elected as experimental samples which were drawn from Taoyuan County (Jhongli City, Pingjhen City). The selected samples of this study was by convenience sampling. 120 questionnaires were made in the pre-test, and 574 valid questionnaires were obtained in the official questionnaires. In this study, statistical analysis was consisted of descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results suggest that message source credibility is positively related to advertising effectiveness, while the negative message was more attractive to the attention of voters for its advertising effectiveness. The past scholars achieved advertising effects through rational appeals, and this study also found that if the emotional advertising appeal added to strengthen the feelings of the public enabled the voters a significant effect for related advertising.


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