  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer-Company Identification--from the Perspective of Consumer Identity

指導教授 : 曾義明


在現今產品多樣化、溝通複雜和消費者覺醒的市場特徵下,愈來愈多的公司試圖和消費者建立長期而深厚的關係。然而,今日消費者的忠誠度極易產生動搖,為了維繫消費者最好的方法就是建立高度的消費者轉移障礙:讓消費者對公司產生認同,使公司獲得消費者的支持或擁護。當消費者對於公司所銷售的產品與服務、代表公司的人或是公司整體有了某種印象,這種最終認知識別即決定消費者是否願意對公司產生認同。 本研究中即探討:消費者在什麼原因和情況下,願意和公司建立堅固而穩定的關係?依據社會識別和組織認同理論指出:穩健的消費者與公司間關係往往決定於消費者對公司的認同,而此認同關係將有助於消費者滿足自我需求。在消費者對公司認同的本質中,對公司識別加以研究,探討市場上認同關係的關鍵性決定因素。本研究為因果性研究,為了使驗證結果較具普遍一致的歸論性,研究範圍遍及多家不同銷售領域之公司,以作為消費者的受訪對象,而選擇生活工場、NIKE和麥當勞作為個案公司。因此,針對較會對生活工場、NIKE和麥當勞進行消費,並且對日常生活中公司、商品…等相關訊息較易接收之大學生族群,即以淡江大學商學院學生作為受訪者進行抽樣。總問卷發放數為407份,有效樣本數為343份;並運用因素分析、主成份分析與迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料分析。 研究結果發現:(1)公司識別之吸引力評價,是依據在消費者對識別的知覺基礎之上。換言之,公司識別之吸引力依據在:公司識別與消費者對自我感覺的相似程度、消費者對公司識別在相關特色上所知覺到的獨特性、和公司識別為消費者所帶來的聲望等三項因素而定;即識別相似性、識別獨特性、識別聲望與公司識別之吸引力間呈現顯著且正向的關係。(2)消費者對公司識別的知覺也決定於他們對識別的信任程度;然而,識別之可信任性對識別相似性、獨特性、聲望與公司識別之吸引力間的關係進行干擾時,僅造成識別獨特性與公司識別之吸引力間的影響,由原本顯著而正向的關係,轉變成顯著卻為反向的關係,但卻並未對識別相似性和識別聲望產生公司識別之吸引力的關係造成影響。(3)公司識別之吸引力與公司認同間呈現顯著且正向的關係;即當公司識別之吸引力愈大時,消費者對公司的認同就愈為強烈。 最後,本研究建議:當公司想要使消費者產生公司認同時,必須以清楚、一致且具說服力的方法來建構和溝通其公司識別,同時也必須對公司認同管理投入努力與資源,以利於建立與消費者之間長期而深厚的關係。


識別 公司認同


In the quest for sustained success in a marketplace characterized by product proliferation, communication clutter, and buyer disenchantment, more and more companies are attempting to build deep, long-term relationships with their consumers. However, consumers’ loyalty is extremely easy to have the vacillation today. In order to maintain consumers, the best method is to establish high consumers’ shift barrier: let consumers have the identification to these companies and become champions of these companies and their products. When a company’s product, service, endorsers, and the company whole structure about a consumers’ image, the final cognition identity decided whether consumers are willing to have identification to the company. In this study, we try to determine why and under what conditions consumers enter into strong relationships with certain companies. Drawing on theories of social identity and organizational identification, we propose that strong consumer-company relationships often result from consumers’ identification with those companies, which helps them satisfy self-definitional needs. We elaborate on the nature of consumer-company identification that offers propositions regarding the key determinants of such identification in the marketplace, including the company identity. This study is a causal research. In order to increase the generalizability of the results, the study is tested across many companies of the different sales domain, involving three companies, and we choose Working-House, NIKE, and McDonald’s as the studied companies. Therefore, this study focuses on the university students who more often expend at these stores (i.e., Working-House, NIKE, and McDonald’s), and receive information about company, commodity, etc. in daily life easier as the participants. We distribute 407 questionnaires to the students in college of business at Tamkang University. This study used 343 received questionnaires, and various statistical methods, including Factor Analysis, Principal Components Analysis, and Regression Analysis, are used to analyze the collected information. The result shows that: First, consumers’ evaluations of a company’s identity attractiveness are based on their perceptions of that identity. In other words, a company’s identity attractiveness depends on how similar it is to consumers’ own identity, its distinctiveness in traits consumers’ value, and its prestige. Identity attractiveness was found to be significantly positively associated with identity similarity, identity distinctiveness, and identity prestige. Second, we also propose that the link between consumers’ perceptions of a company identity and their reactions to it depends on the extent to which they know and trust the identity. When the perceived trustworthiness of a company identity moderated the relationship between consumers’ identity-related judgments and their evaluation of its overall attractiveness, only the relationship between identity distinctiveness and identity attractiveness transformed significantly positive into significantly negative; the others relationships were not significantly affected. Third, consumer-company identification was found to be significantly positively associated with identity attractiveness; that is the greater the attractiveness of the perceived identity of a company, and the stronger is a consumer’s identification with it. Finally, we suggest that if consumer-company identification is deemed desirable, companies must articulate and communicate their identities clearly, coherently, and in a persuasive manner; companies also must devote significant resources to identification management.


Identity Company Identification


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