  • 學位論文


1969 Sino-Soviet Border Conflict Study

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫


本論文主要在探討1969年中蘇邊界衝突的起因、過程和影響。試圖找尋為何中蘇意識形態衝突,升高到邊界問題上;而1969年邊界上怎會發生軍事衝突?引發衝突發動者動機目的又是為何?中蘇雙方如何化解開戰的危機。對此中蘇邊界軍事衝突,台灣和美國有何觀點?對於中美蘇關係造成怎樣的影響? 論文的結構安排分為六個章節,將以歷史過程為貫穿文章的支架,以各事件發生的時間點前後作為段落。第一章除了介紹研究架構外,另外介紹使用的理論與其專有名詞的界定。第二章先分析原始資料,緊接著回顧已有探討的學術文獻,比較其觀點貨發現。第三章中,首先闡述中國清政府和中華民國政府與沙俄和蘇聯政府時期的邊界問題。其次是,中共政權建國以來至1968年間,中蘇的關係變化過程,其衝突是怎樣產生,而邊界問題又如何成為焦點。第四章乃本文的重點之一,中蘇在珍寶島的軍事衝突過程,並分析為何有此衝突?引發衝突者的動機與目的為何?以及研究珍寶島的歸屬問題。第五章則檢視中蘇邊界談判過程、台美對中邊界蘇衝突的看法,以及中蘇邊界衝突對中美蘇關係之影響。第六章則以理論分析和說明其研究發現與成果。


Focused on the border conflict between Communist China and Soviet Union in 1969, this thesis attempts to explore its causes, process, and influences. The exploration is grounded on the research of how the ideological conflict between the two countries had escalated into the border dispute and what were the motives for triggering the conflict from both sides. Besides, Taiwan’s and American’s perspectives on the Sino-Soviet border conflicts and their influences on the Sino-Soviet interrelationship were analyzed. Thesis is divided into six chapters in accordance with the historical process and its subsequent events. The first Chapter begins with an introduction of research structure, related theories, and terminological definitions. The review of previous literature on the subject and their perspectives is discussed in the second chapter. In the third chapter, the disputes between the past Ching dynasty and Czar’s regime as well as later R.O.C. and Soviet Union are briefly introduced. The following Chapter Four investigates the process of Zhen-Bao-Dao military conflict, the motives behind the conflict, and Zhen-Bao-Dao’s sovereignty dispute. The fifth chapter examines the process of Sino-Soviet border negotiations, Taiwan’s and American’s perspectives on the border conflict, and their influences over them. Through theoretical analysis, the research results are explained in the sixth chapter.


師範大學國際冷戰史研究中心,2005 年2 月9 日。
國際冷戰史研究中心,2005 年6 月28 日。
13. Haselkorn, A., The Evolution of Soviet Security Strategy 1965-1975 (New York : Crane & Russak, 1978).
5. 「資料1號︰哈巴羅夫斯克地區和市委員會領導幹部會議記錄,1969年9月22日」(Document No.1: Stenographic Record of Meeting of Khabarovsk Regional and City Party Officials, 22 September 1969)。Elizabeth Wishnick, “East German Documents On The Border Conflict, 1969”, Cold War International History Project Bulletin (Winter 1995/1996)。Elizabeth Wishnick, “East German Documents On The Border Conflict, 1969”, National Security Archive, 2002/06/06. http://wwics.si.edu/index.cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=library.document&id=345
6. 「資料2號︰哈巴羅夫斯克地區市委上報蘇共中央組織部的會議紀要,1969年9月22日」(Document No.2: Information Report Sent by Khabarovskiy Kray (Territory) Committee to CPSU CC, 22 September 1969)。Elizabeth Wishnick, “East German Documents On The Border Conflict, 1969”, Cold War International History Project Bulletin (Winter 1995/1996).。Elizabeth Wishnick, “East German Documents On The Border Conflict, 1969”, National Security Archive, 2002/06/06. http://wwics.si.edu/index.cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=library.document&id=345


