  • 學位論文


Political and Economic Reforms in Uzbekistan after the Disintegration of the Soviet Union (1991~2005)

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫


由於地緣政治位置,歷史背景和天然資源經濟基礎,蓄勢待發的烏茲別克斯坦是中亞地區中,最具權威性和影響力的國家。 當前的國家領導人,已將烏茲別克斯坦定位為區域政治、安全和經濟整合的中心。 這些因素確定了烏茲別克斯坦在地區性和全球性政治的角色。 地區性和全球性的政治事務對烏茲別克斯坦的衝擊,及其改革進程中的成功與失敗,早在十幾年前已經開始。 蘇聯解體後,烏茲別克斯坦的領導人宣告其意向,烏茲別克斯坦為一個獨立的國家,享有現代民主社會的自由和繁榮基礎的經濟市場。 根據研究顯示,國家改革的辛苦歷程,結果非常有限。 事實上,當今烏茲別克斯坦雖然沒有共產思想意識,但仍舊是一個小型翻版蘇聯。 總統卡里莫夫掌權將近二十年,顯然地他並沒有意念要辭退,與民主國家的總統相較下,他似乎更是個典型的獨裁威權主義的統治者。 議會由支持總統的政黨,也就是前烏茲別克共產黨牢固地控制著。 其他的政治組織,不具有成效的影響力,而且他們亦效忠於總統。 在經濟改革方面而言,烏茲別克斯坦的經濟主要仍是由政府官僚控制,而不是由市場機制調控。 儘管著手進行私有化的詳細立法和一些努力,但政府依然控制國家的經濟基礎。 舊政治、經濟體制,在穩定和徹底的改革之間,其過程的主要問題,就如同其他後共產主義國家所面的,無疑地,烏茲別克斯坦比其他國家面臨更多的矛盾。


Due to its geopolitical position, historical background and economic basis, potentially Uzbekistan is the most powerful and influential nation in the Middle Asia Region. The current leadership of the country already positions Uzbekistan as a center of the regional political, security and economic integration. These factors determine the role of the country in the regional and global politics. The impact of Uzbekistan on the regional and global affairs will be the result of the success, or failure of painful process of reforms, which started in this country almost two decades ago. The leadership of the post-Soviet Uzbekistan proclaimed its intention to turn the country in to a nation enjoying all the freedoms of the modern democratic society and prosperity founded on market economy. The results of the uneasy process of reformation of the country, as the study shows, are limited. Nowadays Uzbekistan still remains in fact a small copy of the Soviet Union, but without communist ideology. President who enjoys his power almost for two decades and obviously has no intention to resign, looks more like traditional authoritarian ruler, than the President of the democratic country. The parliament is firmly controlled by the pro-presidential party, the former Uzbekistan communist parry. Other small political groupings with limited influence are loyal to the current President. In terms of economic reforms, Uzbekistan is still an economy ruled mainly from governmental offices, but not mechanisms of market. Despite detailed legislation on privatization of industry and some efforts that were undertaken, the state still controls economic fundamentals of the country. The basic contradiction of the process of reforms, which other post-communistic countries face - between stability and radical reformation of the old political and economic system, is obvious in Uzbekistan more, than anywhere else.


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