  • 學位論文


A Comparison of UWB Communication Characteristics for Various Corridors

指導教授 : 丘建青


本論文之研究目的,在於利用射線彈跳法去模擬求得超頻寬(UWB)通訊在六種不同走道的脈衝響應,並在求得脈衝響應後去計算和比較超寬頻通訊的通道特性。 這六種不同的走道分別為:1.矩形截面直線走道 2.矩形截面圓弧走道 3.拱門截面直線走道4.拱門截面圓弧走道5.矩形截面L形走道6. 矩形截面T形走道。在本篇論文中所比較的通道特性參數,包含有均方根延遲擴散(RMS delay spread)、平均超額延遲擴散(mean excess delay spread)、與最大的脈衝響應差值小於10dB的個數(NP10dB)及占總能量85%的脈衝個數(NP85)。最後我們使用相關接收器,比較這六種不同幾何結構的走道在傳輸速率為100MB、訊號與雜訊比(SNR)為20dB下的不合格率(outage probability)。


A comparison of ultra-wideband (UWB) communication characteristics for six different geometrical shapes is investigated. These six shapes include the straight shape corridor with rectangular cross section, the straight shape corridor with arched cross section, the curved shape corridor with rectangular cross section, the curved shape corridor with arched cross section, L-shape corridor, and T-shape corridor. The impulse responses of these corridors are computed by applying shooting and bouncing ray/image (SBR/Image) techniques. By using the impulse response of these multi-path channels, the mean excess delay, root mean square (RMS) delay spread, and the number of multi-path arrivals that are within 10 dB of the peak multi-path arrival(NP10dB), and number of paths required to meet the 85% energy capture threshold(NP(85%)) for these six corridors could be obtained. Numerical results show that the RMS delay spread for the arched cross section corridors are smaller than those for the rectangular cross section corridors regardless of the shapes. And the RMS delay spread for the T-shape corridor is the largest among others.


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