  • 學位論文


Research on Banned Books from The Military Category of Siku Quanshu

指導教授 : 周彥文


眾所皆知,《四庫全書》不僅收錄之典籍多經刪改;在其蒐書、編纂過程中,更多次指示查辦違礙書籍與其編著者。原康、雍時期已屢興文字獄,至乾隆敕修《四庫全書》,進行大規模徵書、搜書,而後轉向對違礙文字、書籍乃至編著者、藏書家之查辦,極力剷除不利於統治之文字,遂造成圖書之巨厄。歷來學者認為《四庫全書》對於書籍的禁燬以集部為主,史部次之。然其間子部的禁燬則較未受到重視,須知子者,眾家之言也,其更能代表著者之立場。《四庫全書》列兵家類為子部第二,然在子部中卻以兵家類與雜家類所遭禁燬之情形最為嚴重。而明代是兵書發展的一個高峰期,無論在數量或質量上皆有著豐碩的成果,然《四庫全書》卻對此恍若未聞,反而成為禁燬之重點。 本論文首先探討自古「兵家類」的演變、著錄與禁燬情形,並整理出《四庫全書》所禁燬之兵家類圖書,試從《四庫全書》對於兵家類的著錄、存目情形,以及《四庫全書總目》中對於明代兵家之評價,分析其所遭受禁燬的情況,探究《四庫全書•兵家類》之收錄標準與禁燬之原因,試析其選書標準與目錄學,以及《四庫全書總目》之於兵家類的態度與立場。


四庫全書 禁燬 兵家類 清代 目錄學


As a common sense, Siku Quanshu contains classics which had been remodified. Meanwhile, the authorities censored the authors and their works. During the periods of Kang and Yong, the authorities imprinsoned those who wrote the words against the imperial. The emporer Qianlong had ordered to recollect all the classics from the general in order to remove the dissents. The scholars believed that, the majority of the banned books of Siku Quanshu is Jibu followed by Shibu. Moreover, people do not pay attention to removement of Zibu. However, books of Zibu represent the position of the author constantly. The Military Category is accounted into second to Zibu. Within them, The Military Category were seriously damaged. The peak time of the development of Military books is in Ming-Dynasty. However, you can only find few parts of Siku Quanshu regarding to Military book. This work focuses on the transformation, the analaysis and the removement of The Military Category with the purpose of investigating the reasons in the backgrounds how people did the collections of the Military Category into Siku Quanshu and deciphering the standards and the Chinese Bibliography.


清•紀 昀等,《欽定勝朝殉節諸臣錄》,台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室編印,1971年。
孫 彥、王姿怡、李曉明選編 2010 《四庫全書研究》,北京:國家圖書館。
漢•班 固,《漢書•藝文志》,收入《漢隋藝文經籍志》,台北:世界書局,2009年2月。
