  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 葛浩德
共同指導教授 : Laurent Mattiussi


在各國逐漸重視人權的近代,愈來愈多議題的正當性和正規性再次被提出並加以討論及省思。以臺灣的多元成家法案中為例,尤以「同性戀」的問題最受外界關注。 三島由紀夫是日本近代文壇以及政治界的先驅。他的最初成名作《假面的告白》即是藉由「同性戀」作為小說題材的出發點拓展出的半自傳體小說。由於此著作正好發行於第二次世界大戰後的第三年,大膽的題材引發傳統日本甚至是世界各國的廣大迴響與討論,並奠基他在世界文壇上極為重要的日本寫作家。 本論文以三島由紀夫的作品《假面的告白》為文本,以窺探男同性戀敘述者感情世界的發展作為宗旨,找尋男主角在社會體制下中的所遭受「自然」觀念的支配以及未知未來的擔憂、對策及感情發展。 此論文分為三大部分。第一部分首先從各學術專家對於「同性戀」的分析研究論點開始著手,試圖解開同性戀存在的謎團。緊接著陳述同性戀在遭受到社會「恐同症」的壓力衝擊之下所產生出來的負面情緒、想法及怨恨。再以日本、西洋同性戀的歷史演變來比較兩種古代文明對於「同性戀觀點」間的歧異以及西洋思想對日本的侵略與控制。第二部分將焦點集中於三島寫作家的生平、學術思想影響、著作和世人評價以及這一本巨作-《假面的告白》中半自傳體的問題以及疑問,還有其中假面(面具)的由來與他在這本書所被賦予的抽象概念;嘗試藉由各方面的角度搜索出同性戀、假面和寫作者之間的關聯,以便於爾後分析文本中主角與各角色間的互動與情感之分析。第三部分則以男主角為主要分析對象,找出他在同性愛情與異性愛情間,男性誘惑與女性誘惑間的情感差異;以及發掘誘使主角發展愛情以及放棄愛情的因素等等…最後再以男主角逐漸認識「自我」的觀點來看他的感情之抉擇,試圖以同性戀的角度分析主角在感情中游移不定、自相矛盾和惶惶不安的原因。


In the recent age, the human rights are gradually paid great attention by most of the countries all over the world. More and more issues of normality are submitted to the public debate and are redefined by the society. The Draft Bill for Diverse Family Formation in Taiwan, for example, reveals a great consideration for the equal right to homosexuality. Yukio Mishima was a great contemporary literature writer and a political avant-garde in Japan. His famous debut in the world, Confession of a mask, is a semi-autobiographical novel based on the subject of Homosexuality. This masterpiece, written in a forbidden topic at the time, was released three years later right after the Second World War II and brought a lot of shock to people both in traditional society in Japan and the Western countries. Ever since, Yukio Mishima became an important Japanese representative figure and a well-known Japanese writer of the world. This thesis is based on the novel Confession of a mask written by Yukio Mishima, and trying to explore the loving feelings expressing by the homosexual protagonist. Furthermore, this research is going to analyze his worries in the future, relationship strategies and his loving feelings’ development under the social system which is dominated by the normality. There are three main parts in this research. In the first chapter, in order to find out the enigma of homosexuality, a diversity of researches from specialists in sexual orientation is required. After that, by introducing its universal opposition- “homophobia” which controls the society, the impact and the stress felt by the homosexuals engender negative feelings and emotions toward the world. Afterwards, for understanding more about the homosexuality in reality, the different concept and tolerance of homosexuals is going to show up by comparing the homosexual history in both Ancient Japanese and Western civilizations. For the second chapter, the focus turns to the life, writing style, ideology, literature and social criticisms of the author- Yukio Mishima, the semi-autographical problems of the corpus- Confession of a mask, and also the origin and the abstract concept of the mask in the title of his book. By doing this research, the relationship among the homosexuality, the mask and the writer are going to be connected from different angles, and which allows us to analyze easily the loving feelings of the protagonist for the next chapter. In the final chapter, the male homosexual protagonist is going to be precisely observed, for example, the difference in feelings when it comes to love with male and female and the sexual temptation by male and female, and the reasons why he wants to possess intimate relationship with women but then abandon it, etc. To sum up, using the fact that the self-acquaintance of protagonist grows more and more, the decision of his love relationship is going to be made more hesitantly, contradictorily and anxiously by standing on the angle of homosexuality under social suppression and social responsibility.


Reference Principale :
BORRILLO Daniel, L’homophobie, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2000
BRENOT Philippe, Le sexe et l’amour, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2003
BUFFIERE Felix, Eros adolescent : la pederastie dans la Grece antique, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1980
