  • 學位論文


China’s South China Sea Strategy: Policy and Challenges , 2012-2017

指導教授 : 黃介正


南海囿於地緣政治、豐富資源以及位處航運樞紐等因素,而深具戰略價值,牽扯到許多國家的經濟生命線,也因此南海問題高度受國際社會關注,更導致美、日等域外國家介入南海問題。中共十八大之後,習近平積極地將中國的能量深入海洋,以更為多元化的作為與手段,來面對聲索國之間的互利合作與共同開發,更運用中國漸次成長的海上執法、軍事力量應對來自域外國家的挑戰與干擾。 本論文係採用文獻˙分析法及地緣戰略研究途徑,蒐整中華民國、中國、美國、日本等國家官方、學者、媒體資訊等方面資料,以探討習近平時期中共在南海區域的經營策略與軍事行動,並研究南海聲索國的主權聲張及其政策性作為,另對域外強權國家因戰略及經濟利益因素而介入南海區域糾紛所做出的相關舉措進行研究分析。 經研究後發現,在習近平執政時期,中國因為經濟的持續成長,也因為向外擴張的國家利益所影響,海洋強國的目標已然成為國家政策重大方向,然也因為中國在南海區域不斷的進行島礁建設、海上執法力量擴展,試圖以永興島、渚碧礁及黃岩島三點作為南海戰略三角,俾利其兵火力投射,藉以實現其南海內海化的最大戰略目的,因而造成區域內國家的惶恐與不安,擔心因而引發區域安全的顧慮,特別是聲索國,更以多方合作的方式企圖與中國共同開發南海資源,以期爭取國家最大利益。 日本、印度、澳洲等國也都因各自不同的利益驅使以及政治利益考量,從而順著美國各階段亞太政策的引導下而踏進了南海糾紛的棋局之中,而中國為確保其國家在南海的核心利益,藉由經濟、外交、政治及軍事等方面手段,用以凸顯自國在南海軍事存在、執法存在與實際存在等強勢作為,來作為擁有南海主權宣示的事實,在如此軟硬兼施的模式之下,中國未來在南海的經略作為上,將擁有更多的話語權與主導權,以確保中國在南海的核心利益的最大化。


The South China Sea is deeply involved in many countries’ economies; therefore, it is highly concerned by the international community. After 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jin Ping took China's energy into the sea for the mutual cooperation and common development. China also deals with the challenges and interference from foreign countries with maritime law enforcement and military forces to. This paper uses literature analysis and reviews the official statement, academic and media information, such as Taiwan, China, United States and Japan.This paper analyzes China’s strategy and military operations about South China Sea during the Xi Jin Ping Period. Find out the sovereignty of the claimant countries and its policy and analyze the behaviors about foreign countries involved in the South China Sea. The results show that China’s economy rose in a row during Xi’s administration. In order to realize it’s strategic purpose of “South China Sea to be national water”, China processes constantly the reef construction and expands the maritime law enforcement. It also try to use Woody Island, Subi Reef and Scarborough Shoal as the strategic triangle of the South China Sea, which can enhance its military strength distribution. Base on the above, it threats the countries in this region, especially the claimant countries. Therefore, these countries attempt to use more cooperative methods to develop the resource in the South China Sea with China. Some of countries obey the American asia-pacific policy because of considering their political profits and are involved in the South China Sea dispute, such as Japan, India and Australia. China emphasizes its military power,law enforcement exists and substantial existence through economy, foreign policies, politics and military. Under such a “carrot and stick“ model, China will have more authority in leadership and the right of speaking, ensuring that China maximizes its core interests in the South China Sea.


