  • 學位論文

大陸零售業轉型與新零售 的挑戰:以無人商店為例

China's Retail Transformation Strategies and Challenges: Case Study of Self-Service Retails

指導教授 : 李志強
共同指導教授 : 蔡青蓉(Ching-Jung Tsai)


隨著時代的進步,科技網路的技術越來越先進,許多產業逐漸轉型,而零售業從最以前的雜貨店逐漸轉型成大賣場及超商與大型百貨公司,而隨物聯網時代的普及,以及大數據的出現,零售業的轉型速度也相當劇烈。 中國新零售隨著許多技術的成長逐漸開始蓬勃發展,人民消費力也因電商平台建立而興盛,而面對現在日新月異的新科技時代,而無人商店的應用在現代社會的是否能夠符合消費者的需求以及便利性,也是未來新零售的其中一項躍進。 而新零售該如何適應新型態的消費模式,而伴隨著新零售的商業模式、中國政府的政策,傳統零售業該如何轉型與應變,而企業提倡的新零售該如何融入進消費者的生活,以及龐大的研發成本。


新零售 無人商店 零售業


With the progress of the times, the technology network is becoming more and more advanced, many industries gradually transform, and the retail industry from the most old grocery stores gradually into hypermarkets and hypermarkets and large department stores, and with the popularity of the Internet of Things era, and the emergence of big data, the speed of transformation of retail ingested. China's new retail with the growth of many technologies gradually began to flourish, the people's consumer power is also booming because of the establishment of e-commerce platform, and in the face of the current era of new technology, and the application of unmanned stores in modern society can meet the needs of consumers and convenience, is also one of the future new retail leap forward How can the new retail adapt to the new mode of consumption, and with the new retail business model, the Chinese government's policy, the traditional retail industry how to transform and adapt, and how to promote the new retail into the lives of consumers, as well as huge research and development costs.


Retail Self-Service New Retail


一、 專書
1. 王玉民,1997,《社會科學研究方法原理》台北市:洪葉文化。
2. 朱浤源,2004年《撰寫碩博士論文實戰手冊》,台北市:正中書局。
3. 周泰華、杜富燕,2002年《零售管理》,台北市:華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
4. 葉至誠、葉立誠,1999年《研究方法與論文寫作》,台北市:商鼎文化。
