  • 學位論文

健康概念對漢方面膜購買行為之影響— 以產品知識與驗證標示認知為中介效果

The Effects of Health Concept on Consumer’s Purchase Behavior of Herbal Face Mask —Product Knowledge and Certification Label Cognition as Mediators

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


全球近年來的黑心商品事件層出不窮,對消費者身心的傷害更是不在話下(如:中國大陸毒奶粉、韓國化妝品添加賀爾蒙.....等)。然而有許多業者依然秉持良心開發商品的初衷,希望在創造利潤的同時,也能兼顧消費者和環境的照顧。隨著人民生活水平的提升,化妝保養品已由過去的奢侈品變成日常生活的基本品。市面上的肌膚保養商品玲瑯滿目,隨著消費者健康意識的抬頭,天然、無添加有害成分,又能感覺到成效的保養商品成了消費者的一大訴求。而中草藥乃老祖先的智慧,結合保養品在近年來漸漸形成一種趨勢,從韓國到台灣的製造業者紛紛從中草藥裡(以下稱漢方)找尋對肌膚保養更好的原料。 以消費者自身的健康概念以及對商品的產品知識和驗證標示的認知是否能提升購買漢方面膜的意願,是本研究的重點。本研究取樣對象以台灣本島及外島居民為主,針對有使用面膜經驗之消費者,總共回收651份有效問卷,以SPSS 22進行研究分析。研究結果發現消費者的產品知識對健康概念和購買意願有部分中介作用;消費者的驗證標示認知對產品知識和購買意願也有部分中介作用。


Globally, during recent years, there has been an increase in the production and emergence of products that are sold to the general public that contain toxic substances harmful to the human body. Fortunately, numerous credible companies still consciously and morally protect their product and branding vigorously. The mission of these companies is not merely to increase profit margin, but at the same time, provides products and services of superior quality and value through rigorous consumer health standards and eco friendly sustainability models. With the rise of consumers' health awareness,consumers' request for all natural ingredients, products with no additives, and organic formulas have become a trend. Combining knowledge of Chinese herbal medicines and modern science, cosmetic manufactures have been able to formulate and provide improved better and safer beauty products for their consumers. The purpose of this study is to investgate the relationship between the factors of health concept,product knowledge,certification label cognition and purchase behavior of Chinese herbal face mask among the consumers in Taiwan who had experience in using facial masks.A total of 670 questionnaires were distributed and 651 valid ones were returned,the valid reply rate was 97.2%.The data was analyzed by SPSS 22 and the results showed that product knowledge and certification label cognition both have partial mediation effect.


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