  • 學位論文

全球化下的華語學習潮 --- 以在台外籍生為例

Mandarin Learning in Globalization-Take the foreign students in Taiwan as example

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


因應全球化時代,經由人口、科技、貿易的互動,現代人的言需求亦趨多樣化,語言學習市場更加豐富。中華文化五千多年的歷史,底蘊深厚,一直是吸引著許多外國人口的注意。近年來更因為亞洲經濟的繁榮、文化設施的保護,以及觀光發展的進步,讓更多不同種族的人群注意並投入華語學習,以利交流與了解,甚至開展新生活。 本研究主題為學習動機和學習目的。以目前在台的外籍人士為對象,嘗試理解外籍人士學習華語的驅使力及自我目標與期望,並就其學習華語的因素加以整理。除了了解外籍人士為什麼要學習華語外,亦探討語言學習背後的意向。期望能提供台灣華語教學市場些許建議,讓華語朝向世界不可或缺語言的地位邁進。


華語 學習動機 學習目的


In response to the era of globalization, by population, technology, trade interaction, the modern demand for increasingly diverse speech, language learning market is more and more abundant. Five thousand years of Chinese culture, history, heritage, has been attracting the attention of many foreign population. Especially in recent years, because of the Asian economic prosperity, protection of cultural facilities, as well as the progress of tourism development, so that more people pay attention to different races and put into learning Chinese in order to facilitate communication and understanding, even try to build a new life. In this study, the theme of learning motivation and learning purposes. Take the current expatriates in Taiwan as example, try to understand foreigners learning Chinese language motivation ,self-driven goals and expectations, even integrate their learning Mandarin factors. In addition to understanding why the foreigners who want to learn Chinese, but also explore the intent behind language learning. And ,also hope this study could provide Taiwan with Chinese language education market a little proposal to allow Chinese position towards the world's indispensable language forward.


Mandarin Learning Motivation Learning-goal


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