  • 學位論文


A Study of the Poet Wu Weiye and His Historical Poetry Yuanyuan Qu

指導教授 : 陳大道


吳偉業是明末清初的知名詩人,筆下詩篇多有紀錄時代脈動的作品,吳氏亦自詡自己的作品為「詩史」。而其中最廣為人知者,即是描寫吳三桂與陳圓圓的七言歌行——〈圓圓曲〉。本文試圖從名聲最高、詩中人物最複雜的〈圓圓曲〉作為主題,由詩的內文分析,這首詩與吳偉業對「詩史」的標準是否相符。 本研究發現,〈圓圓曲〉雖可謂紀錄大時代的作品,可是在時事的乘載上,卻未有太多可供後人摸索的細節。換言之,吳偉業在詩中用模糊、「去政治化」的筆法,把許多關鍵情節隱藏起來。因此,本文藉由相關文獻史料的研讀,試圖釐清〈圓圓曲〉故事始末的全貌。 在某種程度上,〈圓圓曲〉喪失紀載時事的準確度。與同時代紀錄時事的戲曲、小說、筆記等其它文類相較,用「詩歌」來記錄「史」,本就有較大的侷限,再加上吳偉業「梅村體」的特色,以及詩人謹慎的性格,終於導致〈圓圓曲〉難以把事情說清。結果,它給了我們如小說家想像的細部情節,還有說得朦朧曖昧的大事件。只有一件事是立場堅定的,那就是〈圓圓曲〉從明朝重視「孝」的立場下筆,批判吳三桂為了歌妓投清,結果害死父親,又絕口不提另一個後果——引清兵入關,而這個書寫策略,應是基於避開政治敏感的明哲保身之舉。 然而,〈圓圓曲〉並沒有違反吳偉業「傳心之史」的詩學觀。就吳氏的觀點而言,詩人書寫對時代的悽惻之情,亦是一種「心史」的紀錄;〈圓圓曲〉成功地紀錄改朝換代間的劇烈震盪,又順利地抒發詩人內心的衝突與矛盾,書寫目的既已達成,史料多寡與真偽的重要性自然大幅降低。總之,吳偉業這種注重個人內在主觀感受的書寫,可謂開創詩史的新領域。


This thesis analyzes the well-known seven-character gexing poem, “The Song of Yuan-Yuan” Yuanyuan Qu to understand if Yuanyuan Qu meets the standard of epic or "historic poetry". Yuanyuan Qu was written by the influential poet Wu Weiye who once boasted his work as "historical poetry". The theme of Yuanyuan Qu is about love and disloyalty concerning the Ming General Wu Sangui who betrayed his country to invite the country’s decades long enemy the Qing to fight the infamous bandits group led by Li Zicheng to regain his lover Chen Yuanyuan when the Ming Emperor committed suicide after Beijing was fallen into the hands of Li Zicheng. This study finds out that Wu Weiye did not depict the realistic plots when comparing poetic imagery with historic records. In other words, events taking place when the Ming was overthrown did not play a major in Yuanyuan Qu. Thus, it is clear that Yuanyuan Qu depoliticizes the actual events when the Qing successfully replaced the Ming. Although to write current events was a trend of that period, and those events commonly appeared in contemporary dramas, fictions, notes and other works, Yuanyuan Qu was still more like a lyric than epic. Despite of emphasizing on historic records, without the tradition of epic writing, Yuanyuan Qu cannot be read as an epic. It may be contributed to the fact that depoliticization could avoid sensitive political topics. The only key issue that Yuanyuan Qu highlighted was the importance of "filial piety" which was used to in the Poem to criticize Wu Sangui for being overly indulging in infatuation to secure Chen Yuanyuan, the Geisha, while sacrificing his father’s life. However the decision to open the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhai Pass to let Qing forces into China proper by Wu Sangui and its consequence was not mentioned in the Poem. Nevertheless, Yuanyuan Qu does not violate Wu Weiye’s poetic theories. Although this poem does not contain much valuable historical materials, it keeps Wu's believe, the spirit of "heart history". Wu Weiye was famous of his lyric style known as "Meicun Style" which emphasizes the importance of poet’s inner subjective experience, creates a new field of style in poetry writing, and makes readers pay more attention to the inner mental activities of the poet.


