  • 學位論文


Taiwanese High School EFL Students’ Listening Difficulties and Strategies Use: A Case Study

指導教授 : 王藹玲


本研究目的在探討台灣高中生對於英文聽力的困難以及應用策略的方法。深入探討台灣高中生的英文聽力困難原因以及所應用的策略為何,以達到聽力理解的目標。主要研究問題為:(1).台灣高中生的英文聽力困難原因為何? (2).台灣高中生的聽力策略為何? 本研究採用課後訪談的質性研究方式,深入了解台灣高中生的英文聽力困難原因以及解決困難的應用策略,藉由此方法更可以真正的了解到學生的內心想法以及真正造成聽力困難的原因。研究工具為常春藤松根出版社之全民英檢初級全真模擬試題,研究對象為五位來自台灣的高中生。首先,五位學生皆必須接受全民英檢初級的聽力課程,下課後逐一接受個別訪談,表達個別的聽力測後想法,進而更深入的了解學生的聽力困難以及解決策略方法。最後將收集到的資料歸納分析,以辨別出不同的困難原因以及策略方式。本研究結果發現:(1).台灣高中生常見的造成英文聽力困難原因為六項。(2).台灣高中因常見的應用策略為四項。本研究的貢獻為,可提供英語教師深入了解台灣高中生的英文聽力困難原因以及應用解決困難策略的方式。


The objective of this study was to investigate the listening difficulties encountered by high school students in Taiwan when learning English and the strategies they apply to resolve such difficulties. The major research questions are as follows: (1) What difficulties may influence high school students’ listening comprehension in English learning? (2) What strategies do high school students apply to solve their listening comprehension problems? Participants were five high school students from a cram school. First, the students were required to complete a listening test at a General English Proficiency Test beginner level. After the test, the students participated in an interview conducted by the researcher to express their thoughts regarding the listening test; therefore, the researcher could collect their listening difficulties and the strategies they used to solve the difficulties. The results revealed that the students’ listening difficulties included six factors. Moreover, the strategies the students used to overcome their listening difficulties included four factors.


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