  • 學位論文


A Study of Yilan Area Proverbs

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


俗語是先民的智慧,它反映一個時代、一個族群普遍認知的觀念,因此俗語的形式雖短小簡單,但它的形成卻需要經過長期的流傳與共同的認定。俗語屬於廣義的常民文學的一環,靠著口耳相傳的方式廣泛地通行在民間,常常一句不過十來字或者更少的俗語,卻能譬喻複雜的人間事象,隱含著一番大道理,創作技巧豐富而鄉土色彩濃厚的俗語,它是庶民大眾在長時間的生活體驗中提煉出來的語珠。 宜蘭地區俗語是宜蘭特有或僅流傳或創生於宜蘭當地的一種民間語言,它真實地反映宜蘭的自然和人文內涵,翔實地蘊蓄宜蘭人共同的經驗與觀念。本文以宜蘭地區俗語為研究對象,強調俗語與地方人文發展的關係,除了保存口傳語料之外,更藉由以人為主的俗語為研究文本,探究宜蘭地區的地理環境、人文社會,顯現出俗語研究與地域文化發展的重要性與貼近性。本論文共分成六章來進行。第一章〈緒論〉主要是闡述本文的研究動機、研究方法、文獻探討,在此採各家學者之見解,對於俗語的界說作一澄清,並和其他鄰近語類進行區分,並說明采錄、標音釋意、整理分類的原則。第二章〈宜蘭地區的地理條件與歷史背景概述〉,在此概述宜蘭的地理環境和歷史沿革,以便瞭解俗語與正史有密不可分的關係。第三章、第四章皆是〈宜蘭地區俗語內容的探討〉,因為宜蘭地區俗語數量頗多,共得186條,所以依其內容、性質分門別類,劃分為自然地理和人文社會部分,並釐析為「區域環境類」、「天候時令類」、「產業活動類」、「族群開發與活動類」、「生活樣貌與處世態度類」、「社會動亂與族群械鬥類」、「人物與歷史掌故類」、「風俗信仰與人地特性類」、「民間戲曲類」、「歇後語」,共兩章十節,多以《宜蘭縣史系列—宜蘭縣口傳文學》〈俗語篇〉所採錄的俗語為主要參考資料,以逐句條列、解釋的方式進行俗語的釋意與分析,並且逐字標音。因為俗語的衍生與流傳與地域人文息息相關,所以在第五章〈宜蘭地區俗語的特色和文化意涵〉中,透過歸納與分析的方式,析論宜蘭地區俗語中所表現的內容和形式特色,接著探討俗語反映的文化意涵,分別就俗語中所呈現的自然與人文,以及俗語中所透露的蘭陽性格來探究。最末,第六章〈結論〉,則整合出宜蘭地區俗語的功能與價值,提出心得與建言。


口傳文學 宜蘭 宜蘭縣志 俗語 噶瑪蘭


Proverbs are the intelligence of the ancestors. They reflect the spirit of an era, the collective intelligence of each ethnic group. Though the form of the proverb is short and simple, its form has long been in circulation and common recognition. Proverbs belong to a broadly defined part of social literature, widely spread among common people by way of oral literature. A proverb of less than ten words is often a rich metaphoric recollection of human activities, implying important or interesting principles. The artistic techniques in proverbs, abundant in social color, are linguistic pearls that the common people refined out of their daily lives from ages past. Yilan proverbs are a kind of local folk language peculiarly created or circulated in the Yilan area. They not only reflect the natural and human behaviors in the Yilan area, but also fully and accurately reveal the common experiences and ideas of the people there. This research of Yilan proverbs places emphasis on the relation between proverbs and local human development. Aside from preserving the oral literature of the area, this study will probe into the geographical environment and the social structure of the Yilan area, showing the importance and closeness of the cultural development in the region. This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter One, ‘Introduction’, describes the motivation for and approaches to research as well as the study of related areas. This scholar’s studies are collected and used to clarify definitions of proverbs. This chapter also categorizes the differences among the neighboring language areas and explains the way of collecting and recording proverbs, the principles of the phonetic symbols used, the use of literal translation and method of classification. Chapter Two, ‘Geographic Nature and Human History of the Yilan Area in Brief’ sums up the natural environment and human history of the Yilan area, and cross references the intimate bond between proverbs and formal history. Chapters Three and Four are ‘Contents of the Proverbs in the Yilan Area’ which contain 186 items extracted from the massive quantity of proverbs in Yilan, categorize the proverbs in accordance with their content and nature. The categories are divided into natural phenomenon, seasons, and human development. In these two chapters, the topics are further broken down into 10 sections which are ‘Geographical Traffic and Regional Name’, ‘The Seasons and Climate’, Activities of Industry’, ‘Ethnic Development and Activities’, ‘Life and Social Conduct’, ‘Social Turmoil and Ethnic Conflicts’, ‘People and Historical Anecdotes’, ‘Customs, Religion and Characteristics of People’, ‘Folk Opera’, and ‘Slang and Tag Lines’ respectively. The major source of reference of recorded proverbs is of “The History Series in Yilan County – I-Lan Oral Literature”. Each proverb is listed, explained and analyzed phrase by phrase, and is marked with phonetic symbols word by word. Since derivation and circulation are closely linked with regional social structure and geographic nature, Chapter Five, ‘Characteristics and Cultural Meaning in the Proverbs of the Yilan Area’ analyzes the content and behavioral characteristics in the proverbs of Yilan. The chapter then looks into the cultural meaning of the proverbs, mainly the naturalenvironment and human history reflected in the proverb, and the characteristic personality of the Yilan people separately revealed by the proverbs. Chapter Six, ‘Conclusion’, concludes with the function and value of proverbs in the Yilan area, and offers personal insights and suggestions for the future study thereof.





