  • 學位論文


Service Quality Assessment of BITAN Hotel

指導教授 : 黃志文
共同指導教授 : 林光賢(Kuang-Hsien Lin)


相較於實體產品,服務具有無形性、不可分割性與易逝性等特性,因此,服務品質評核亦與實體產品之品質評核有所不同,加上顧客的參與在服務過程中,扮演著相當重要的角色,若能從管理者及員工的角度檢測企業的服務品質,將更能了解服務品質的良窳。基此,本研究以服務品質模式為工具,並以觀光旅館業為對象,嘗試為服務業建構一套兼具客觀性與周延性的服務品質模式數據。希望能為我國整體經濟比重愈來愈高的服務業企業,提供詳實評核服務水準方法的實例。 首先,本研究以Parasuraman 、Zeithaml 以及Berry 三位學者所發展的「SERVQUAL」服務品質評量量表中的五大構面為基礎,經由對碧潭飯店所提供之服務品質的探討,期望其研究結果對碧潭飯店在改善及提昇服務品質上有所助益,也對未來其他飯店業者要進行服務品質分析時提供可用的應用依據。 研究方式採深度訪談的方式進行,由實證分析結果得知,發現碧潭飯店的主管與員工對服務品質的看法是一致的,對於服務品質執行上的滿意度也很一致,公司的內部管理或是資源可以直接的達到顧客所期待的服務。但飯店有一些可檢討的缺失,也應該改善,才能永續經營。


In comparison with manufactured goods, the service industry has the characteristics of intangibility, inseparability and perishability. Therefore, the evaluations of service quality vary from the accustomed assessment; in addition, the involvement of the customers is a significant part of service, examining from manager and employee’s point of views may provide us a better understanding of the differences as well as unpredictable traits of the service from actual entities. This research is based on the PZB model, focusing on the study of tourist hotels. Its objective is to establish a comprehensive evaluation data for the service industry in order to improve its quality. We aim to dedicate a fundamental standard for the ascending service industry in the nation. In this study, we have adopted the five major features from the “SERVQUAL” theory by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry. In addition, on account of our field research can improve the service quality of Bitan Hotel as well as on tourist hotels. In addition, according to the statistics, we have discovered that the manager and employee of Bitan hotel have the same point of view for service quality. Their satisfaction is also the same. So, Bitan hotel can provide their customer satisfied service quality on their expectancy. Moreover, Bitan hotel has some deficiencies that they should adjust it to run.


