  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Questioning Teaching Method to Enhance Reading Comprehension of Elementary School Social Studies textbook

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究旨在探討運用提問策略融入社會學習領域提升國小五年級學生的閱讀理解力之行動研究。以新北市一所國小五年級23位學生為研究對象。教學時程分為三階段,進行為期十三週的提問策略教學。資料蒐集方面包括教學觀察記錄、訪談資料及文件資料等量化與質性資料,再依據所蒐集的資料進行整理、分析與歸納,有關本研究發現如下﹕ 一、運用「提問策略」能增進學生社會學習領域文本的閱讀理解力。 二、營造友善的學習環境,有助於提升學生的發表意願。 三、「同儕合作學習」的模式能激發學生的口語表達力。 四、適時的學習責任轉移,能建立學生個別提問的能力。 五、透過提問的歷程有助於提升低分群學生的學習動機與學習信心。 六、在PIRLS四個提問層次中,學生對於詮釋整合法的提問仍感困 難。 七、經由本行動研究,教師在社會學習領域教學及問題解決能力上皆 有所成長。


This study aimed to explore the use of questioning strategies into the social studies to enhance the reading comprehension of the fifth grade students as an action study. The research subjects were 23 fifth graders from one of the elementary schools in Xinbei City. The teaching program divided into three stages to apply the questioning strategy teaching for 13 weeks. Data collection including teaching observation records, interviews, documents, other quantitative and qualitative information, and then the researcher sorted out, analyzed and induced the findings based on the collected information. The research findings were the following: 1. Applying "questioning strategy" could enhance the reading comprehension in students' texts to social studies. 2. Creating a friendly learning environment helped to enhance the students' willingness to present. 3. The model of "Peer Cooperative Learning" could inspire students' oral expression competence. 4. Timely transfer of responsibility to learning could establish students' abilities to ask questions individually. 5. By the process of questioning could help increase the low-achievement students' learning motivation and learning confidence. 6. Students still felt difficult to interpret the questioning of integration among four questioning levels of PIRLS. 7. The teacher both grew in social studies and problem solving through this action study.


黃彥豪(2015)。閱讀理解策略對國小中年級社會領域學習成效之行動研究。國立臺北教育大學教育學院社會與區域發展學系社會學習領域教學碩士論文,未出版, 臺北市。
