  • 學位論文


The Emergences of City

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 賴怡成(Ih-Cheng Lai)


後資訊時代的網絡社會興起,改變了人類的互動模式,亦間接重組了社群的關係與架構。打破時空藩籬的虛擬空間帶來了人類互動行為的改變,已藉由高科技蔓延至現實生活當中。建築專業者進行城市設計參考的環境分析條件與涵構,已不再是唯一設計判斷的依據。本研究將嘗試由觀察「突現」以及執行「策展」切入,企圖由實際行動中發掘城市設計中未被提及的群眾意識,並尋找與嘗試不同於現今城市規劃中的城市改造策略。 相較於城市設計,策展是運用柔軟姿態介入城市的彈性策略。以建築專業者出發所扮演的策展人角色,執行焦點將關注延伸至群眾反饋而非僅只於作品的呈現。本研究策展的內容分為「設計」與「實踐」兩個階段執行。在經由城市微觀現象的觀察後所進行的設計操作,出發點為利用已經存在的城市突現現象加以延伸,分別以七個不同階段的操作介入主題的呈現。針對其中兩個階段的設計主題,轉進為實際的策展行動。在實際執行的策展計劃中,針對群眾的互動與反應加以歸納描述,嘗試在行動所得到的真實反饋中檢視本研究的發展方向與潛力。 近年來複雜科學所探討的突現理論,為本次策展計劃切入城市事件的角度。暫時屏除建築專業者常以城市分析觀點出發的成見,本研究嘗試由微觀的城市現象尋找策展議題。突現發生於自然與人類環境中的現象舉目皆是,經由研究開始階段的突現邏輯與現象歸納,本研究以對照的方式突顯城市所存在的突現現象。在思辨突現所造成的社會運行模式之後,以相關主題的再詮釋做為之後城市策展的操作元素。 城市設計長久以來背負著嚴肅的限制和包袱,群眾的態度也在利益衡量與衝突中觀望與拉扯。本研究暫時逃離建築專業者所熟知的城市設計運作模式,藉由執行實驗性的策展行動來探討其他城市改造的可能,也在這當中學習扮演著參與者而非是主導者,以開放態度來包容無法預測的群眾反饋。希望本研究的操作,能夠以策展重新發掘城市不同面向與改造的可能,重新審視建築專業者面對城市時的固定思維以及可以調整的方向與態度。


突現 城市策展 微觀 行動藝術 複雜科學


The rise of internet changes the way of human-interaction in post-information age. Indirectly, it also re-organizes the relationships and the frameworks of society. The virtual system not only breaks the limit of time and space, but also sprawls out itself from virtual world to reality by computer technologies. Today, the environmental analyses of urban context are no longer the only consideration of urban design for the architecture profession. Therefore, this research attempts to discuss through the observations of “emergences” and the designs of “curations” of the city to look for different strategies from urban design to change the city. As well as it discovers the collective consciousness that did not mention in urban design before through actions. In comparison with urban design, curation in the city is a more soft and resilient way to get involved with the city. To consider the role of the curator has an architecture background, the curation will be emphasized more on the public feedbacks than the performance of artworks. The research contains two steps as “design” and “action”. The designs base on the microscopic observations of the city, and develop into seven different theme stages by applying the existent phenomena of emergences in the city. Then, two of the topics are selected to practice by art actions. In the actions of curation, the interactions and the feedbacks of the public are also summarized. In order to look forward the directions and the potential of this research, the results of action are discussed. The viewpoints of curation in the city are from the emergence theory that discussed in complex science in recent years. This research tries to discard the stereotype of urban analysis from architectural discipline, and starts to search the curative topics from the phenomena of city by microscopic observations. Emergences happen and are discovered everywhere in the natural and human environments. This research generalizes the logics and the phenomena of emergence in the beginning, and the discussion of emergences of city are contrasted with real examples. After speculating the causes and effects by emergences of the city, the city curation interprets these emergences and develops proper actions for related topics. Urban design has its limits and burdens for serious and long. The attitudes of the public are always stagnant and hesitant because of benefits and conflicts. Temporarily, this research tries to escape from the familiar design modes of urban development by the architectural profession, and discusses the possibilities of urban-redevelopment by the experimental activities of curation. The processes of this research help to learn to be the role of a participant but not a leader, and to keep wider attitudes to accept the uncertain feedback from the public. This research anticipates revealing the different faces of the city and the possibilities of urban re-development. The formal ideas of architectural profession to the city could be re-considered, and the attitudes and directions of urban design also could be adjusted.


M. Mitchell Waldrop
James Gleick
Italo Calvino

