  • 學位論文


Discussion of Lu Xun's skills at creating characters from his stories entitled “Call to Arms”and “Wandering”

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


魯迅是現代文學極具影響力的人物,在思想史與文學史上皆有舉足輕重的地位。《吶喊》與《徬徨》是魯迅小說創作生涯的代表作,本文試圖從《吶喊》與《徬徨》探討魯迅塑造小說人物的技巧,進而闡述魯迅思想的精要,由魯迅的成長背景、求學過程及立定以文藝救國的志願開始說起,探索影響魯迅性格與獨特文風的形成原因,然後挖掘《吶喊》與《徬徨》中的小說人物所代表的涵義,探討魯迅塑造小說人物的技巧,以期真正的瞭解魯迅思想的全貌與精華,並對日後的小說創作者有所裨益。 本文總共分為五章: 第一章為緒論,簡述研究動機、研究範圍與方法以及文獻探討與回顧 第二章探討魯迅的童年生活、求學經過以及生活經歷,這與他性格形成以及投身文壇有著極為密切關係,加之以大時代的風雲變色,成為他極具獨特魅力的文章風格。 第三章分析《吶喊》與《徬徨》中的小說人物所代表的涵義,魯迅立志以文藝救國,改革國民病症,每篇小說寄寓極深,小說人物也具有及豐富的意涵,筆者先將小說中的人物分類,將之與魯迅思想連結,探究每個小說人物的深層內涵。 第四章深入探討魯迅塑造人物的技巧,從各角度詳細地分析魯迅的創作方法,並參照魯迅的思想以及寫作觀,加以系統整理。 第五章整合全文的論點,總結魯迅塑造小說人物的技巧、其思想內容,以及在現代文學的價值與影響。


Lu Xun in modern Chinese literature is very influential. He has a high position in literary history. “Call to Arms” and “Wandering” are his masterpieces. This article explores his writing skills from both stories and describes the essence of his thought. To begin with, his upbringing, education and ambition are illustrated. By exploring the impact of his personality and writing styles, we find out the meaning of fictional characters. Then, the whole picture of Lu Xun's thoughts will be demonstrated and be helpful to other creators of fiction. This work contains five chapters in total. We introduce his motivation, scope and methodology in research as well as make a literature review in the first chapter. His early life, education and career are listed in the second chapter. These affected his work and personality. Coupling with the impact of many national issues, all made him a very attractive writer in modern Chinese literature. The third chapter contains analysis of the meaning of fictional representatives. Lu Xun decided to use literature to save the country. Each of his long stories has a very deep meaning. Characters in the novels also have very deep meanings. I would classify characters in the novels and tried to explore the deeper meaning of the novel's characters. The fourth chapter discusses Lu Xun's skills at creating characters. I try to analyze the creative method of Lu Xun and refer to the concept of his thinking and writing as well as to organize it systematically. I summarize his fictional skills at creating characters and explain his influence on modern Chinese literature in the last chapter.


