  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network System

指導教授 : 許駿飛




In recent years, fuzzy neural network (FNN) has been developed. But the FNN have two major drawbacks, one is their application domain is limited to the static problem due to their feedforward network structure, and the other is their unable to directly handle the rule uncertainties due to the membership function is a crisp number. To attack this problem, this paper proposes a perturbed fuzzy neural network (PFNN) and recurrent fuzzy neural network (RFNN). Meanwhile, a fuzzy neural network sliding-mode control (FNSMC) system and a fuzzy neural network second-order sliding-mode control (FNSSMC) system are proposed. Since the RFNN has an internal feedback loop, it can capture the dynamic response with an external feedback. On the other hand, the PFNN uses a perturbed membership function to handle the information uncertainties when it is hard to exactly determine the grade of the value of a basis function. To cope with the approximator error, a smooth compensator is proposed to reduce chattering in the control input. Finally, a chaotic system and an inverted pendulum are applied to example studies. The simulation results show that the proposed two control methods can achieve favorable control performance.


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