  • 學位論文


The Implementation and reasoning of wearable device ontology

指導教授 : 劉艾華




穿戴式裝置 本體論 SPARQL Protege


In recent years, smart phones and tablets are very popular and that leads the development of wearable devices. Wearable devices have many different types and functions. It usually can access user’s body information with very high level of complexity. This paper presents the ontology for wearable devices which can be used to integrate related domains. Moreover, the current main applications of wearable devices are medical domain and athletic domain. The wearable devices ontology proposed in this paper has been applied in educational domain. It can assist teacher in realizing student’s state of learning and help students to concentrate in the class and enhance learning effectiveness.


Wearable Device Ontology SPARQL Protégé


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