  • 學位論文

村上春樹文學中音樂的作用 ─以《聽風之歌》到《舞舞舞》間的六部長篇作品為中心─

Effects of the Music in Haruki Murakami’s Works -Centering on six long-length novels from “Hear the wind sing” to “Dance, Dance, Dance”-

指導教授 : 曾秋桂


本論文分為五個課題,探討村上春樹文學中音樂的作用。第一章至第四章分別考察《聽風之歌》、《1973年的彈珠玩具》、《尋羊冒險記》、《世界末日與冷酷異境》、《挪威的森林》、《舞舞舞》等六部長篇作品。於第五章,參考作品之外相關文獻與作者本身的言論,闡明村上文學與音樂的關聯。關於本論文之課題如下: 課題一的研究對象為《聽風之歌》、《1973年的彈珠玩具》、《尋羊冒險記》組成的初期三部作。以搖滾、流行樂之範疇歸類,即可將1970年這項線索浮出水面。並且透過整理文中提及的「加州女孩(California girls)」、「白色聖誕(White Christmas)」等曲的歌詞,更是強調主角身邊相關人物「直子」與「鼠」已死亡的事實。 課題二專注於探究《世界末日與冷酷異境》這部作品。透過使用巴布·狄倫的成名曲之一「隨風而飄(Blowin' in the Wind)」,明確呈現主角如風,於兩世界排徊之姿。然而,原本一分為二的世界末日的「我」與冷酷異境的「我」,隨著「丹尼男孩(Danny Boy)」的旋律響起合而為一,且如巴布·狄倫的「暴雨將至(A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall)」之歌詞描述,最終「我」下定決心前往圖書館女孩所在的森林。 課題三針對《挪威的森林》作分析。再透過整理與書名同名的披頭四歌曲「挪威的森林」,抑或是玲子所演奏的吉他旋律,進一步闡明主角渡邊徹周圍的相關人物複雜關係,與其心境變化。 課題四考察作者透過《舞舞舞》中的音樂元素,將主角因逝去的青春而體會到的空虛感刻畫在讀者眼前。並且,於無音樂流瀉的環境中渴望著音樂這件事,是否表示對主角而言,音樂流瀉的空間才是現實空間。 課題五則以上述四項課題為基準,著眼於音樂與作者間的關聯性。經由音樂元素導出時代這個關鍵詞,進而推測村上春樹手下描繪的主角,很有可能是以當時的產物「嬉皮(hippie)」作為雛形。無論是作者還是主角,同嬉皮渡過胡士托搖滾音樂節的璀璨青春,也同嬉皮接受現實。主角由重生為全新的自我,其轉變過程皆可由音樂元素推敲得知。


There are five issues to be studied in this thesis to discuss the effects of the music in Haruki Murakami’s works. In Chapter I through Chapter IV, six long-length novels-“Hear the wind sing,” ”Pinball, 1973,” “A Wild Sheep Chase,” “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World,” “Norwegian Wood,” and “Dance, Dance, Dance”-are analyzed. In Chapter V, the related literatures and Haruki Murakami’s remarks are referred to clarify the relation between music and Haruki Murakami’s works. The issues in this thesis are described as follows. The objects of study in the first issue are the three published novels in the early days, “Hear the wind sing,” “Pinball, 1973,” and “A Wild Sheep Chase.” It is classified with the category of rock and pop music so that the clue of 1970 emerges. Besides, through the consolidation of the lyrics of California Girls, White Christmas and other songs referred in the book, the fact that the related characters, "Naoko" and "Nezumi," around the protagonist were dead was stressed. The second issue focuses on “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.” In the use of one of Bob Dylan’s famous songs, Blowin 'in the Wind, the posture of the protagonist lingering between two worlds like the wind was expressly presented. However, the “I” of the end of the world who was originally divided into two parts and the “I” of the hard-boiled wonderland were merged along with the melody of Danny Boy. As described in the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall, finally the “I” determined to go to the forest where the librarian girl was in. In the third issue, “Norwegian Wood” is analyzed. Then through sorting out the song of The Beatles, Norwegian Wood, which had the same name with the book title, and the guitar melody played by Reiko, the related characters surrounding the protagonist Toru Watanabe as well as the complex relationships and their mind changes are further clarified. In the fourth issue, “Dance, Dance, Dance” is explored. In “Dance, Dance, Dance,” Haruki Murakami, through the musical elements, depicted protagonist’s emptiness for the lost youth. In the no-music environment, the protagonist had been longed for music, which insinuated the space with music was the real space for the protagonist. In the fifth issue, based on the above-mentioned four issues, the relevance between music and Haruki Murakami is discussed. Via musical elements, the key word, era, is derived, thereby speculating the protagonist depicted by Haruki Murakami were probably from the prototype of the hippie at the time. Both Haruki Murakami and the protagonist went through a brilliant youth time at Woodstock Music Festival with hippies and also accepted the reality like hippies. The protagonist was reborn as a new self and the transformation process can be realized from musical elements.


Haruki Murakami music six long-length novels


(1979)『村上春樹全作品1979∼1989ヾ 風ソ歌メ聴ん』講談社
(1980)『村上春樹全作品1979∼1989ヾ 1973年ソз⑦пみю』講談
(1982)『村上春樹全作品1979∼1989ゝ 羊メバをペ冒険』講談社
