  • 學位論文


Dehors - Landscape Transgression at the Shei Ji Island

指導教授 : 康旻杰


「域外」的核心似乎指出了主體空間的皺摺與翻轉,是啟動思想機器與破壞性建設,也同時是一種找尋。本設計研究基礎基於解構意識型態之「域外思考(外邊思維)」辯證「知識」如何通過自我的思考、來自基地的深度描繪及理論背景三者互相的對話,持續被深化及延伸,進而解放個人在專業訓練過程被框限的特定價值觀,並重新思考設計干預的方法論。 設計操作基地選在台北市士林區一個被禁建與低度開發超過三十年的地區:社子島。社子島的空間呈現的是一種通屬性地景與原生地景並置的異質地方,被城市邊垂隱匿性與長久被忽視的「外邊」活力所定義。差異的力量往往是活力的來源也為地方注入新的生命,提供了充足的養分等待城市吸納,逐漸改變城市的體質。嚴格來說,它們以一種更隱匿的方式,在脫離實質空間的平台中換取認同,一種社群的組織方式,在文化群組以及尋求機動的、短暫的城市關係。一開始介入社子的觀察與接觸讓自己感受到一種身為「外來者」的距離感與陌生,觀察過程也是一再地微調自己對於這裡的觀感與思考。這樣的地區發展出一個自己的律法與對抗形式,曖昧的與城市共存,在日常生活與等待間自我轉適。草根的自我轉適與偷渡繼續拉扯出與理性規劃控制的張力而互相指涉。 本文分為兩部份進行:第一部份從城市的觀察與個人觀點出發,討論都市計畫的轉向下,異質地方的域外思想,建構操作基地的設計方法;第二部份藉由社子島深度描繪的敘事、影片的操作與影像對話,以及民族誌資料與田野調查的圖述再現,組織一系列散射的社子圖示。 研究成果指出:1、「壓抑」可能是通屬性地景呈現的潛在根源。「壓抑」概念翻轉出了另一種匿名性的自由,其中包含了慾望本質也產出了資本對抗的混血基因,傅柯則提醒了「壓抑」的概念遠超出國家控制的權力與律法的單一關係,它在德勒茲處被視其為維繫踰越性與無政府主義的潛能,使其能破除資本主義所樹立的心理與文化藩籬。2、「集體」呈現的力量與個體獨特性的張力並置。透過文化地景的深度描繪,補充來自田野經驗上的對話在心理分析深層的不足,持續在書寫與敘事上開放文本。3、動態的微觀都市概念有別於傳統空間分析的限制,開啟一個分散的位址地理學的方法試探,以非核心的「此在」顯示自身價值。4、社子島操作設計部分,在民族誌、現場的田野以及理論間進一步對話,嘗試把都市計畫「位址」散佈的概念置入社子島。


The core value of “dehors” suggests the “fold” and turnover of the subject-induced space. Dehors initiates the thinking apparatus - it brings forth a kind of destructive construction as well as an endless search. This design research is thereby based on the “dehors thinking” which aims to deconstruct the forged ideology of the structured subject and explore how the interplay of subjective thinking, “thick description” of the studied site, and philosophical theories can precipitate an alternative landscape analysis. The relatively liberal design paradigm of dehors recognizes the ambiguity of physical and narrative boundaries, and often implies cross-disciplinary and cross-border transgressions. It further challenges the rational procedure of design intervention, and liberates the preconceptions of the trained professionals in planning and design. The chosen site for the design operation is located at an alluvial area prohibited from construction, due to the metropolitan flood control restrictions, for more than 30 years in Shihlin District, Taipei: Shei Ji Islet. The once islet of Shei Ji is now connected to the city with infill - a peninsula characterized as a modern-city heterotopia endowed with marginal obsolescence as well as frontier vitality where generic landscape and indigenous landscape juxtapose each other. The power of differences is usually the source of such vitality, which is ironically stemmed from a lagging behind vast development and rapid urbanization of the capitol city. The mere existence of Shei Ji becomes a direct critique towards the globalizing zeal of the capitalist city. The “exteriority” (being out there) of Shei Ji is often perceived as an undifferentiated whole or as a dike zone built to protect the city from flood; yet the “boundary” itself is in reality a collection of many traditional farming villages (each with its own worshiped deity) inter-mingled with illegal factories and transitional industrial shacks. The residents of Shei-Ji, though misconceived as a group of misfortunes, not only are divided into a variety of sub-area communities with complex social relations, but also continue to search their own identities in constantly shifting conditions. They are “conditioned” by many external forces, but they evolve into a heterogeneous urban community regardless of any development rules and rational modes of planning. Shei-Ji is not a place of conscious resistance, and it ambiguously co-exists with the city through daily life adaptations and seemingly endless waiting. The mundane practices of everyday life in SheiJi manifest the tension between grassroots self-adaptations/transgressions and rational planning controls - thus the intertextuality within. Being an outsider myself, I intend to keep the distance with my research subjects and record my own conditions of alienation and rejection. Loaded with predetermined values and theories, I hoped to track down my own transformation and struggles as well as how the landscape design process can be influenced by exogenous philosophical thinking and filed experiences. This thesis is accordingly divided into two parts: the first part starts with the discussions of dehors thinking of heterotopias, followed by my reflections on the impact of modern urban planning in a site like Shei-Ji; and the second part reveals my attempt to construct a dialogue between my subjective observations and thinking and the realities and local knowledge of the site. My own design interventions are based on the dialogue and a short film about Shei-Ji, and the set of the operation methods can be seen as a part of the design methodology when the dehors thinking is introduced to the field of landscape planning and design. Simply put, transgressions not only happen at physical boundaries, and the preconditioned boundaries between the planning and design professionals, the city in general, the studied landscape, and the local community must also be recognized to induce further dialogue and liberations. Through thick descriptions, the deficiencies of rational planning in the dimension of deep understanding and psychoanalysis of the local can somehow be mitigated. We can therefore better appreciate and value the power of the collective, the power of the organic, the power of the in-between, and the power of the narrative in a heterotopia associated with repression, disarticulation, rupture, frontier, margin, and anarchic order.


Jean Baudrillard著,林志明譯
Mike Crang著,王志弘、余佳玲、方淑惠譯
Jacques Derrida著,楊恆達、劉北成譯
Gilles Deleuze著,楊凱麟 譯
