  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Characteristics of Cultural Region According to the Building’s Naming - Take Taipei County from 1970 to 1990 as an Example.

指導教授 : 張珮琪


民國六十年代開始,房屋預售制度成為臺灣盛行的交易方式,而廣告文案也成為新興的社會文獻,當中的建案名稱則為廣告文案的核心,仔細探察建案名稱(Building’s Naming)的構成的形式,於歷史背景以及環境型態的不同具有差異性。因此本論文將以社會學、文化學以及語言學的角度切入,探討民國六十年代至民國八十年中,臺北縣建案名稱文化價值以及文化面向於歷時性以及共時性的變遷。研究成果作為後人分析他區文化價值以及面向的參考。 在研究方法上我們使用義素分析法(componential lexical semantics)將建案名稱的義素加以解析,歸納成19項建案類型。並分別依照其性質分派於Hofstede, Geert H的四大文化面向(Culture Dimension)之下,包含權力距離(Power Distance)、不確定性規避(Uncertainty Avoidance)、剛性作風與柔性作風(Masculinity & Femininity)、個人主義與群體主義)(Individualism & Collectivism)。使用三維度的分析方式,呈現民國六十年代至八十年代臺北縣19大鄉鎮市的文化面向以及變遷情形。除了使用量化分析外,另使用質性研究方法(qualitative research method)輔助說明自清代發展至民國年間文化區位的變遷。 根據我們的研究發現,在共時性部分在每個階段的發展歷程中,臺北縣文化區位的變遷深受臺北市都市化影響;於歷時性的發展中,雖然文化面向呈現穩定的發展,但建案類型的擇取會受到不同社會經濟背景的影響,而有所變動。整體而言建案名稱呈現的文化面向特徵為: 一、各年代的文化區位,除少數地區外,皆朝「剛性作風」發展。 二、「柔性作風」的呈現與建案類型的改變和綠意休閒生活的追求密切相關。 三、「權力距離」經常伴隨「剛性作風」。 四、次要面向的呈現,有時只是主要面向的延伸。 五、命名因子會隨時代而改變。 六、整體而言,臺北縣建案名稱中使用「不確定性規避」的情形偏少。 七、文化區位的發展呈穩定性。


Since 1970s, pre-construction sale in Taiwan has become prevailing and the advertising copy, of which the building’s naming is the core of the whole promo project, has from then become a newly developing social document. Investigate into the constituting form of the building’s naming, we find it varies with the historical background and social environment. Therefore, with the focus put on the real estate advertisement of Taipei County from 1970s to mid-1990s, the dissertation will diachronically and synchronically explore the cultural dimension of the building’s naming and demonstrates its changes and values. As for the research method, I’ll use componential lexical semantics to analyze the components of the building’s naming and categorize them into 19 types. Also, I’ll try to classify the building’s naming under the four cultural dimensions of Hofstede, Geert H by their properties ── that is, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity and Femininity, Individualism and Collectivism. In addition to using the quantization analysis to present the changes of 19 townships in Taipei County from 1970s to 1990s, I’ll also employ the qualitative research method to help illustrate the alteration of cultural regions since Ching Dynasty until 1990s. On the basis of my research, I find the urbanization of Taipei City alters the cultural region’s changing place of Taipei County and the social context and economical background influence on the selection of the building types. In whole, the cultural dimension of the building’s naming has following characteristics: 1.Except for few regions, the cultural characteristics of different ages tend to be of masculinity. 2.The changes of building types and the pursuit of a green recreational life are closely related to femininity. 3.Power distance often accompanies masculinity. 4.Minor dimensions are sometimes the extension of major dimensions. 5.Factors that decide naming vary with times. 6.Generally, uncertainty avoidance is less used in determining the building’s naming of Taipei County. 7.The development of cultural region grows stably.




