  • 學位論文


The researches of Wen Jeng-ming's brief biographical sketch and calligraphy

指導教授 : 崔成宗


書法要從技術的層面向上追求到藝術的境界,除了具備胸羅萬卷的學養之外,還要有高尚的人格修養,開闊的胸懷襟抱,才能在字裡行間煥發岀卓越的人文精神,表現出生命之美、情操之美。文徵明就是具備上述特質之書法名家,他在從政淑世的理想破滅後,轉而投入藝術創作,中規中矩地師法前賢的典範,融鑄前修精髓,形成自家風貌,並廣收門生,傳道授業,影響後世極為深遠。 筆者蒐羅各類研究文徵明的文獻資料及其書法、詩、文、繪畫等作品,並以考據、賞析、臨摹等方法進行研究,而撰寫本書第一章〈緒論〉。欲瞭解文徵明的藝術成就及其書法風格的形成,必須知其人、論其世,書品與人品更有著相即相容的關係,筆者因而撰寫本書第二章〈文徵明評傳〉。文徵明一生臨摹法帖為數甚多,尤其是對《千字文》的臨寫更為用心,他兼工篆、隸、楷、行、草等各體書法,乃因其師承於各朝代的前賢名家,筆者因而撰寫本書第三章〈文徵明之學書歷程及各體書法之師承〉。文徵明重視楷法、強調師古與創新、注重人品與書品的關係,並且將書法與繪畫相通相融,這些理論對後世影響甚鉅,筆者因而撰寫本書第肆章〈文徵明之書學理論〉。條貫全書各章之論述及其書法成就,筆者因而撰寫本書第伍章〈結論〉。 本書附錄〈文徵明書法繫年〉,將其一生的重要事蹟及書跡羅列於表中,可清楚地看出他各時期的書法作品及風格。本書附圖,除文徵明的書跡外,尚有其臨摹的各書家法帖,由此百餘帖的書跡,應足以窺見文徵明的書法藝術成就。


文徵明 書法 臺閣體 書品 人品


Calligraphy should be reached to the artistic state from the technical level. Not only profound cultivation but noble accomplishments can make a calligrapher transpire illustrious human spirits and the beauty of life in the words. Wen, Cheng-ming (文徵明) is a famous calligrapher who possesses the above specialities. The state of political disillusionment created a chance for him to find the approach to art. Soundly and regularly handed down by previous masters, achieved mastery through a comprehensive study of subject, received the disciples broadly and finally influenced posterity a lot. I search and collect various kinds of bibliographies and works to textual criticize, appreciate and imitate to write down Chapter 1: ‘Introduction’. We need to know Wen, Cheng-ming in detail to understand his artistic achievements as well as the formation of his calligraphic style. So I write down Chapter 2: ‘A critical biography of Wen Cheng-ming’ (〈文徵明評傳〉) . A large number of rubbings Wen, Cheng-ming imitated are all important and One Thousand Character Primer (《千字文》) is paramount. Because he followed many famous experts in different dynasties, he’s skilled in the seal character(篆), official-script(隸), cursive-hand(草), regular(楷) and running-hand(行) styles. Therefore, I write Chapter 3rd ‘The processes of learning calligraphy and the models from every kind of calligraphic styles’ (〈文徵明之學書歷程及各體書法之師承〉)。Wen, Cheng-ming emphasized regular style, highlighted tradition and innovation, paid attention to the relationships between personality and book comments, meanwhile, blended calligraphy with paintings. All of above theories influenced the later a lot. Thence, I write Chapter 4th ‘Wen, Cheng-ming’s calligraphic theories’ (〈文徵明之書學理論〉). To sum up, I write Chapter 5th ‘Conclusion’(〈結論〉). Wen, Cheng-ming’s important deeds and works are listed in the the appendix ‘The Annals of Wen, Cheng-ming’s Calligraphy’ (〈文徵明書法繫年〉). In that table, we can clearly read his calligraphic works and styles in various periods. In addition, the pictures in this thesis are including Wen, Cheng-ming’s works and various models for calligraphy he handed down by previous masters. From these precious pieces, we can find Wen. Cheng-ming’s calligraphic artistic achievements.


1. 朱書萱 :《明代中葉吳中書家及其書風的形成 》(臺北:國立臺灣師範大學國文研究所博士論文,民國89年)。

