  • 學位論文


The Challenges of Taiwanese Green Energy Industry While The Twelfth Five-Year Economic Plans of Mainland China

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 龔春生


從中國共產黨第17屆中央委員會第五次全體會議中,為「十二五」規劃(第十二個5年經濟發展戰略),拉開了調整中國經濟策略及領導權力交接的序幕,這項規劃,引起了全球極高度之關注,這不僅帶給中國自己,更為全世界,帶來了結構性的大轉變,也將提供給各國企業,未來五年(2011-2015年)更大的商機。 十二五規劃綱更從政策上,具體點名培育並發展七大戰略性新興產業,在政策的全力支持下,將有機會在七大產業中培育出新一批競爭力強、且規模龐大的世界級產業。從中國大陸七大戰略性新興產業中,新能源產業包含有台灣的強項太陽能產業,具有相對性的競爭力。然而,兩岸合作發展新興策略產業,短期看來有商機,但長期而言,對台灣將帶來衝擊、甚至形成威脅。 兩岸太陽光電產業特性不同,基本上台灣偏重產業分工,中國偏重於垂直整合,兩岸都具備產業價值鏈上的互補優勢,藉此提高產業在全球市場的競爭力。但兩岸太陽光電產業無明顯的時間及技術差距,加上中國已是全球太陽光電次產業龍頭下,兩岸太陽光電合作該如何進行是一大考驗。時值中國十二五規劃實施之際,政策走向轉為擴大內需,各項優惠補助措出籠。加上金融危機加速中國產業結構之調整,協助廠商升級轉型使得中國從生產大國轉型為應用大國。台商可利用此契機,調整過度依賴以中國作為製造工廠的發展策略,改為將中國視為市場,與中國進行品牌與通路的合作。同時在兩岸經貿正常往來且日益密切下,資金、技術、人才、市場的交流將更有助於與全球接軌。 在最後的部分,評估未來中國大陸十二五規劃對台綠能產業的商機,並且歸納相關政策之建議,提出個人的研究結論,作為本論之之總結。


Since the 12th Five-Year Plan of mainland China (referring to the 12th five-year plan for economic development) was first disclosed by the 5th Plenum of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the curtain for China’s economic strategies and leadership transfers has been raised, attracting attention from over the globe, bringing forth a structural change to China as well as to the world and offering a huge opportunity of business for the firms globally from 2011 till 2015. The 12th Five-Year Plan has further appointed 7 major strategic, burgeoning industries to be fully backed by national policies, so as to elevate them to large-scale world-class industries with competitive edges. Among the 7 strategic, burgeoning industries, new energy industry include Taiwan’s solar energy industry, which is regarded as having relative competitive edges. Although this strategic industry cooperated by both sides of the Strait seems ridden with opportunities of business, it will affect, or even threaten, the future development of Taiwan in the long run. Differing characteristics exist in the solar photovoltaic industry of Taiwan and mainland China. Generally speaking, Taiwan emphasizes industry segmentation, whilst China puts a high premium on vertical integration; thus the cooperation will provide supplementary merits in the industry value chain and increase the industry’s competitiveness in the global market. Yet with the less apparent gap between the solar photovoltaic industries of two sides of the Strait in the aspects of time and technology and the leadership owned by China, it is indeed a huge challenge to proceed with solar photovoltaic cooperation. As China has undergone the process of the 12th Five-Year Plan with the upper hand of the expansion of domestic needs and all sorts of subsidies, as well as a restructuring of the industry structure due to financial crises, a good number of businesses have upgraded and China has been transformed from a manufacturing nation to a nation of application. Hence Taiwanese merchants may take advantage of this opportunity and revise the current strategy of using China as a factory. Now Taiwanese merchants should view mainland China as a market and initiate cooperation with China in brand creation and channel expansion, so as to connect with the world with better interactions with China in the respects of capital, technology, talents and markets. In summation, the current essay scrutinizes the business advantages that China’s 12th Five-Year Plan has brought for Taiwan’s green energy industry and induces suggestions for related policies, thus offering personal conclusions for the research of the future.


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