  • 學位論文


Codependency and Breakup Coping Strategies of College Students

指導教授 : 黃宗堅


本研究旨在分析不同背景變項的大學生在「共依附特質」與「分手因應策略」的差異情形,並探討大學生的「共依附特質」與「分手因應策略」兩者間的關係,以台北縣市的大學生為研究對象,共計520名。本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料搜集,所使用的工具包括「共依附量表」與「分手因應策略量表」。調查所得的資料運用敘述統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸分析等統計分析方法進行分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 大學生的「共依附特質」對其「分手因應策略」有顯著預測力。 (一) 「他人焦點自我忽視」越高的女性大學生,採取越多「宣洩逃避」的分手因應策略; (二) 「控制者」之共依附特質越高的男性大學生及女性大學生,皆採取越多「意義追尋」、「社會支持」的分手因應策略; (三) 「隱藏自我」之共依附特質越高的男性大學生,採取越多「意義追尋」、「自我貶抑」的分手因應策略。而「隱藏自我」之共依附特質越高的女性大學生,採取越少「社會支持」的分手因應策略; (四) 「依賴者」之共依附特質越高的男性大學生採取越多「報復對方」的分手因應策略,而「依賴者」之共依附特質越高的女性大學生則採取越少「宣洩逃避」的分手因應策略; (五) 「低自我價值感」之共依附特質越高的女性大學生,採取越多「自我傷害」、採取越少「宣洩逃避」的分手因應策略。 二、 不同戀愛經驗(戀愛對象、戀愛次數、分手方式、身體親密程度)的大學生呈現不同的分手因應策略。 (一) 相較於異性戀大學生,同性戀大學生明顯採取較多「自我傷害」的分手因應策略; (二) 相較於其他分手方式,被動分手者明顯採取較多「意義追尋」、「社會支持」、「自我貶抑」的分手因應策略; (三) 相較於身體親密程度較低者,身體親密程度較高的大學生明顯採取較多「意義追尋」、「宣洩逃避」、「自我傷害」的分手因應策略,其中「有性行為者」在所有分手因應策略的使用皆顯著多於「無性行為者」; (四) 戀愛次數越高的大學生,越常使用「報復對方」、「自我傷害」的分手因應策略。 三、 大學生或多或少都具有共依附特質,其中「隱藏自我」特質顯著高於「依賴者」特質。大學生似乎習慣隱藏自我的想法感覺,尤其是負面感受,較不傾向在各方面依賴他人的照顧與決定。 四、 「性別」對大學生的共依附特質的影響有限。但相較於女性大學生,男性大學生更容易「以他人焦點,忽視自我需求」。似乎男性大學生更習慣去照顧他人需求,將重心擺在他人身上,而忽略自我需求的滿足。 五、 大學生多採取「意義追尋」、「社會支持」等較為正向的分手因應策略。可見大學生多能藉由找尋分手意義與反省分手原因、向外尋求建議與支持等較為正向和緩的方式來度過失戀期。 六、 相較於男性,女性大學生採取較多「社會支持」及「宣洩逃避」的分手 因應策略。而相較於女性,男性大學生採取較多「報復對方」、「自我傷害」、「自我貶抑」的分手因應策略。相較於男性,女性大學生較會向外尋求意見與情感支持,藉由大哭一場、陷入忙碌、避開相關人事物來面對戀愛分手。而相較於女性,男性則較會採取威脅警告或實際行為來報復對方、物質使用及各種方法來傷害自己、自我責怪及過度袒護原諒對方等方式來面對戀愛分手。   總結而言,本研究發現,大學生或多或少都具有共依附特質,其中「隱藏自我」特質顯著高於「依賴者」特質。另外,大學生面對戀愛分手時,多能採取「意義追尋」、「社會支持」等相當正向的分手因應策略。無論何種性別,當大學生的「控制者」特質越高,即越常使用「意義追尋」、「社會支持」的分手因應策略。


The purpose of this research was to analyze the differences of college students with different background on Codependency and Breakup Coping Strategies. It was also to investigate the relationship between Codependency and Breakup Coping Strategies of college students. 520 college students in Taipei area were sampled, and Questionnaire Method was taken. The tool of this research included Codependency Assessment Scale and Breakup Coping Strategies Scale. The data obtained was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, T-Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Hierarchical Multiple Regression. The main findings were as follows: 1. The characteristics of codependence could predict the Breakup Coping Strategies of college students. (1)When female college students had more characteristics of “Other Focus /Self neglect”, they used more “Unleash and Escape” breakup coping strategies. (2)When college students had more characteristics of “Control”, they used more “Meaning Finding” and “Social support” breakup coping strategies. (3) When male college students had more characteristics of “Hiding Self”, they used more “Meaning Finding” and “Self Detraction” breakup coping strategies. Besides, when female college students had more characteristics of “Hiding Self”, they used less “Social support” breakup coping strategies. (4) When male college students had more characteristics of “Dependence”, they used more “Revenge” breakup coping strategies. Besides, when female college students had more characteristics of “Dependence”, they used less “Unleash and Escape” breakup coping strategies. (5) When female college students had more characteristics of “Low Self-Esteem”, they used more “Self Abusing”, but less “Unleash and Escape” breakup coping strategies. 2. Different love experiences of College students, like “sexual orientation”, “the number of being in love, “the way of Breakup” and “the degree of body intimacy”, led to different breakup coping strategies. (1)Comparing with heterosexual college students, homosexual college students used more “Self Abusing” breakup coping strategies. (2) Comparing with college students who used other ways of Breakup, college students who passively broke-up with their lovers used more “Self Detraction” breakup coping strategies. (3) Comparing with college students with lower degree of body intimacy, college students with higher degree of body intimacy used more “Meaning Finding”, “Unleash and Escape” and “Self Abusing” breakup coping strategies. Besides, college students who had sexual intercourse with lovers used more breakup coping strategies than those didn’t have sexual intercourse with lovers. (4)When college students had more love experiences, they use more “Revenge” and “Self Abusing” breakup coping strategies. 3. College students got used to hide their own thoughts and feelings, especially negative feelings. They were not prone to rely on other people. 4. “Gender” had limited affection to “Codependency”. Comparing with female college students, male college students had more characteristics of “Other Focus/Self neglect”. 5. Most college students used positive breakup coping strategies like “Meaning Finding” and “Social Support”. 6. Comparing with male college students, female college students used more “Social support” and “Unleash and Escape” breakup coping strategies. Besides, male college students used more “Revenge”, “Self Abusing” and “Self Detraction” breakup coping strategies. To sum up, College students got used to hide their own thoughts and feelings, and they were not prone to rely on other people. Besides, most college students used positive breakup coping strategies like “Meaning Finding” and “Social Support”. Last but not least, when college students had more characteristics of “Control”, they used more “Meaning Finding” and “Social support” breakup coping strategies.




