  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Relationships between Introducing of Collaborative Transportation Management, Logistics Capabilities, and Competitive Advantages for Logistics Companies

指導教授 : 溫裕弘


為因應企業物流激烈的競爭環境,快速回應市場需求、及時交貨與零庫存之競爭趨勢,如何強化供應商、製造商、零售商與第三方物流業者(the 3rd-party logistics, 3PL)、資訊服務廠商以及客戶之間的協同合作關係,以降低整體成本、提昇企業物流能力,已成為供應鏈競爭取勝的重要關鍵。供應鏈協同合作是目前供應鏈與物流運籌領域最受重視的新興觀念,其中,最新發展係延伸整合供應鏈物流運輸環節的協同運輸管理(Collaborative Transportation Management ,CTM),CTM旨在完全解決供應鏈運輸程序的無效率性,影響的層面包括存貨、運輸效率、運送成本,加上其具有資訊共享的特性,因此更可以降低不確定性以提昇物流效率減少長鞭效應。過去相關研究大多僅針對供應鏈或是物流績效進行量度指標建構與評估,而協同運輸管理相關研究則大多針對其理論概念與架構進行分析,較少探討協同運輸管理對供應鏈之影響。因此,探討物流業導入協同運輸管理對其物流能力、經營競爭優勢之相互關係即為值得深入探討的研究議題。 本研究旨在探討物流業導入協同運輸管理對其物流能力、競爭優勢之關係分析,提出「協同合作」、「物流能力」與「競爭優勢」三構面間的相互影響關係架構。為了驗證所建構模式之適配性,本研究利用結構方程模式,進行驗證性因素分析與路徑分析,此外,本研究更以交互作用分析來探討協同合作與物流能力整合進行時對競爭優勢之相互關係。 進一步,本研究進行實證分析,針對物流業者進行問卷調查。研究分析結果顯示物流業導入協同運輸管理對其物流能力、競爭優勢皆有正向顯著關係,再者,分析結果亦發現物流業加強與主要合作對象的關係整合和資訊整合並提高本身的顧客服務能力,對提昇競爭優勢影響較大。本研究結果可提供物流業者重要參考資訊,並建議物流業者除提昇本身物流能力外,亦可透過導入協同運輸管理來強化其競爭優勢。


Supply chain collaboration has become an important issue in response to the keenly competitive market. The recent collaborative initiative, termed Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR®), has begun to gain wide acclaim for the benefits it delivers. Collaborative Transportation Management (CTM) is a new collaboration model in CPFR by extending the core elements to include the transportation component. CTM is a holistic process that improve the operating performance of all parties involved in the relationship by eliminating inefficiencies in the transportation component of the supply chain through collaboration. However, past studies in supply chain collaboration mostly focused on the vertical collaboration of supply chain parties, few literatures have been paid to the impact of transportation management on logistics capabilities and competitive advantages for logistics providers in supply chain. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between CTM, logistics capabilities, and competitive advantages, and analyze the CTM influence those relationships. This study empirically examines the relationships between collaborative transportation management, logistics capabilities, and competitive advantages for logistics companies introducing the CTM. This study applies factor analysis and structure equation modeling (SEM) to identify major aspects of CTM, logistics capabilities and competitive advantages, and analyze their relationships. Based on a factor analysis, three key collaborative factors, four key logistics capabilities, and three key competitive advantages were identified. About collaborative factors, namely, relationship integration, collaboration and planning, and collaborative information. Key logistics capabilities include audit and internal operation, customer service, costs and service quality, and productivity. Key competitive advantages include, cost leadership, differentiation, and uncertainty. A SEM approach was also employed in this study. The results indicate that collaborative transportation management has a positive effect on logistics capabilities and competitive advantages, and logistics capability has a positive effect on competitive advantages. Furthermore, an interaction analysis on path analysis of SEM was also discussed in this study. The results indicate that the integration of collaborative information and costs and service quality has positive effect on cost leadership, while the combination of relationship integration and customer service has positive effect on uncertainty reduction. This study deduces information for logistics companies about what are determinants of CTM adoption, and what are impacts of CTM on logistics capabilities and competitive advantages. This study suggests logistics companies not only develop core logistics capabilities but also apply collaborative transportation management system to enhance their competitive advantages.


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