  • 學位論文


A Usability Study of Online E-book Platforms in the Academic Library: A Case Study of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 賴玲玲


本研究探討學術圖書館之電子書平台之可用性 (Usability),以淡江大學覺生紀念圖書館為例,期望藉由研究結果來探究學術電子書平台應如何滿足學術使用者的需求,以提供更適切的閱讀介面。本研究以淡江大學研究生為對象,並藉由文獻研究之熱門程度及本校之使用頻率為平台選擇依據;選擇EBSCOhost eBook Collection和SpringerLink E-Books兩學術電子書平台作為研究標的。可用性之評估標準則是取自文獻探討中所歸納之10項指標功能及Whitney Quesenbery (2003) 所提出之5Es作為基礎。透過分析深入訪談與可用性測試結果來歸納受測者使用偏好,再以網路問卷調查佐證,進而探討兩學術電子書平台之可用性以及使用者對於該類型平台之使用需求。研究最後,本文提出一套實際可行之學術電子書平台設計建議,其層面包括功能、圖示與介面設計,期望未來可供圖書館與供應商作為開發或採購之參考。


This research examines usability issues of e-book platforms in an academic library. Chueh-Sheng Memorial Library of Tamkang University is chosen as a testing environment of the study. By exploring and examining the usability of academic e-books platform from the user’s point of view, this study aims to provide an interface that suits the user’s liking based on the results of the study. In this research, representative graduate students with varied academic backgrounds are chosen as the testing participants; EBSCOhost eBook Collection and SpringerLink E-Books are selected based on the analysis of most-used platform in the school and the most-studied platform in the literature review. The criteria of usability evaluation are ten features summarized from the e-book related literature as well as and “5Es” that Whitney Quesenbery (2003) proposed. The researcher investigates user preferences through the usability testing and in-depth interviews; also an online survey is carried out as a method of triangulation. The results of the study reveal usability issues and user’ demands on academic e-book platform. At last, this study proposes a practical recommendation for academic e-book platform. Also, suggestions for improvements, including icons designs, layout of an interface, and a complete template of simulated platform, are provided, which the researcher hopes can be used as a reference for e-book platform designers and for library practitioners when making purchasing decisions.


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