  • 學位論文


Confidence and Beauty: The Relationship between Self-Consciousness and Physical Attractiveness

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


生活中處處充斥著與美麗相關的訊息,隨著資訊科技的進步,人們接收訊息的時間及管道都大幅增加,報章媒體與廣告媒體使用大量圖片刺激消費者的感官及思想,加上媒體對外表的過度關注,不斷強調俊男美女的形象,使得許多人變得重視外表,助長了追求美麗的風氣,如雨後春筍般興起的瘦身中心及整型整所,更加印證了現代人對美麗趨之若鶩。美貌的效應在古今中外皆有跡可循,「美麗」不論是在學術研究或是傳播媒體方面都成為近年來熱門的話題,其所帶來的效應,從外部經濟效益乃至內部個人心理層面,都是學術界欲進一步探知的問題。本研究從心理學的角度,探討自我意識與外表吸引力之關聯,分別針對自我意識的三個構面,探討內在自我意識、公眾自我意識及社會焦慮如何影響外表吸引力。透過資料探勘中的自我組織映射分群法及分類決策樹進行資料分析,先由分群法產生之群集分析各群的特性,再以分類法萃取之規則,總結自我意識三個構面與外表吸引力間的關係。   根據本研究結果顯示,公眾自我意識與外表吸引力之關聯性最強,其他兩個構面則無明顯的絕對關係。由於外表吸引力較高者平時容易受到注目的眼光,也較容易被賦予正面的評價,因此會在他人面前會表現得較有自信,比較不會在意別人的看法,換個角度看,公眾自我意識較低者,或許會因為不在意他人的眼光,而比較勇於表達自己,從內在散發出自信,因而增加了外表吸引力。此外,由於不同種類的工作需要不同的內在特質,本研究所探討之自我意識,可運用於企業徵選人才上,透過自我意識量表的測量,將合適的人放在合適的職位上,使企業達到適才適所。


Our life is full of message which is related to beauty. With the progress of information technology, people have more channels and time to receive messages. Because the media uses great quantity of pictures to stimulate consumer’s sense and thought, as well as emphasizes the image of good-looking appearance constantly. Pursuing beauty has become a kind of trend and many people have gradually paid attention to their appearance. The weight-reducing centers and aesthetic surgery clinics that have sprung up in recent years prove many people have strong desires for pursuing beauty. The effect of beauty can be tracked at all times and in all countries. Whether in the area of academic research or the media, “Beauty” has become a popular subject in recent years. From the external economic benefits to the internal personal psychology, the effect of beauty is the research question for academia. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between self-consciousness and physical attractiveness from the point of psychology. For the three dimensions of self-consciousness, this study explores how private self-consciousness, public self-consciousness, and social anxiety affect physical attractiveness respectively. This study utilizes self-organizing maps and decision tree to analyze the data, first, analyzing the characteristics of each cluster which is generated from cluster analysis, and then concluding the relationship between three dimensions of self-consciousness and physical attractiveness by rules which are extracted from decision tree. According to the results of the study, the relationship between public self-consciousness and physical attractiveness is strongest, and the other two dimensions have no obvious relationship with physical attractiveness. People have higher physical attractiveness draw attention from others easily, and they are more likely to be given a positive evaluation; therefore, they will be more confident in front of others, and they are less likely to care about the opinions of others. From another perspective, perhaps people who have lower public self-consciousness don’t care about how others see them; therefore they have the courage to express themselves, radiating confidence for the inner and increasing physical attractiveness. In addition, because different types of work require different personality, self-consciousness can be applied to recruitment. Through self-consciousness scale, enterprises can put people to the right position.


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