  • 學位論文


Effect of Authentic English-Language Videos on EFL Students’ Speaking Anxiety: A Case Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林銘輝


數十年來,外語學習焦慮收到各方廣泛探討,這樣的議題在外語口說焦慮更受重視,尤其在以英語為外國語的國家,如臺灣,更是如此。儘管先前的研究已盡可能解析學生口說焦慮的成因並試圖使用不同的教學方式來降低學生的英語口說焦慮,然而對多數的台灣學生而言,在日常生活中使用英語溝通本身即非稀鬆平常之事,這也不斷造成學生無論在公眾場合或課堂上講說英語時感到焦慮。由鑑於此,本研究目的冀望以實體英語影片(authentic clips of English)進行教學,以此提高學生接觸及使用實體英語的機會,進而達到降低學生英語口說焦慮的成效。本研究共計有29位大一非英文系主修學生參與五週的實驗教學課程,並以量化分析檢驗學生是否在參與實驗介入後有效降低英語口說焦慮之程度。研究結果顯示,在學生接受實體英語影片教學後,其英語口說焦慮顯著性地改善,這樣的進步並反映在學生的英語口說技能表現上。


Foreign language learning anxiety has been widely discussed over past decades, particularly the anxiety that students suffer when speaking. For most EFL students in Taiwan, for instance, speaking English is not a common occurrence in daily life, which results in their apprehension over speaking English either in public or in class. Although previous studies have indicated possible variables leading to learners’ speaking anxiety, little attention has been paid to examining what pedagogical instructions may effectively improve learner anxiety in speaking English, in particular in Taiwan. Given this, this study aims to explore the effects of learning through online, authentic video clips on Taiwanese EFL non-English-majors’ performance in speaking anxiety. A total of 29 first-year college students joined the experimental study, which lasted for five weeks. Quantitative data were collected to shed light on the students’ changes over the course of the experiment. The results reveal marginal significance in terms of the students’ overall learning attitudes, with a particularly apparent improvement in their communication apprehension. Students’ speaking skills were also significantly improved. This paper concludes with implications and suggestions for future research.


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