  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Entry Modes of Foreign Large Hypermarkets into the Chinese Market

指導教授 : 曾義明


隨著中國大陸加入WTO,各跨國服務業皆急欲搶食這塊大餅。本文欲藉由國際企業進入策略、競爭策略、策略聯盟等國際企業管理的理論基礎,配合中國大陸的總體經濟面、金融面以及加入WTO後法規限制的開放等構面,來探討在中國大陸深耕的數家大型零售業的成功策略,並整理其經營模式來了解跨國服務業在中國大陸的發展與策略方式。他山之石可以攻錯,在了解各跨國量販店所進行的策略方式之後,對於急欲進入大陸市場的其他事業或許也可以從中得到一些啟發。 本文在內容上,選擇了目前在大陸已經進入,並且經營的具有成效的幾家外資量販店業者,透過對其初期進入方式以及其他相關資料的列舉,最後整理出一些共同的結論,並且以命題的方式提出,以使讀者們對於大陸量販店業者在這方面的策略有初步的認識。本研究採取的研究方法為個案研究法,雖然未能取得較為精確的數量化資料,但是也必然對於未來思考經營大陸內銷與零售市場的業者有相當的啟示,希望本研究能進一步協助未來研究者,以更為數量化的進行更為精確的研究。


中國市場 服務業 量販店


As China joins WTO, every transnational service trade all wants to rob this pancake of the food urgently. This text wants to make use of and enter the theoretical foundation of such international business administration as tactics , competitive strategy , strategic alliance ,etc. from international enterprise, cooperate with the overall economy of China , finance piece and opening that the regulation restrain from ,etc. construct surface after the accession to the WTO, to probe into the successful tactics of several large-scale retail businesses deeping plough China, put its type of operation in order to understand the development in China of transnational service trade and tactics way. There are other hills whose stones are good for working jade, perhaps can receive some inspiration to the urgent other undertakings that want to enter the continent market from it too after understanding that buys to sell the tactics way that the shop carries on in every transnational quantity. This text has been chosen to already enter at the continent at present in content, and the person who buys to sell shop industry of several foreign capitals amount of having the effect managing , through entering the enumerating of the way and other relevant materials to its initial stage, put in order out some common conclusions finally, and propose by way of proposition, so that the tactics in this respect of the persons who buy to sell the shop industry to the continent amount of the readers have preliminary understanding. The research approach taken in this research is a law of case study, though fail to make the comparatively accurate quantity materials, but must think to the future that there is suitable enlightenment with the family property of the retail market person to manage the continent sold inside the country , hoping this research can help the researcher in the future further , for carrying on more accurate research of quantity.


Chinese market Service Hypermarket


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