  • 學位論文


Effective Branding and Business Strategy of Emil Wa-Kin Chau—An Analysis from Human Capital Perspective.

指導教授 : 黃振豊


本研究在探討華健的人格特質是不是有助於他走入音樂產業,他的獨特性及價值性可以用人力資本來描述,走過風光的二十多年,他的品牌形象深植人心,整體價值觀的思考模式,讓他屹立不搖於音樂產業及表演舞台,為成功的歌唱明星典範。本研究之資料收集採用深度個別訪談、文獻、直接觀察及對歌迷的問卷調查,來對華健在各方面的評價進行質化及量化之研究。 本研究之主要發現如下: (1)在人格特質方面「外向性」、「親和性」、「勤勉正直性」、「神經質」與「開放性」等五個構面中,「外向性」「親和性」「勤勉正直性」是他特別鮮明的個性。 (2)在人力資本方面,他的才華、本身的聲音、唱法及音樂類型深具獨特性;他與同儕之合作,總是保留相當的空間,讓事情可以長長久久持續下去,具長期性之價值性。 (3)在品牌塑造方面「認知表現」、「形象價值」、「信賴認同」等三個構面表現均相當優越。 (4)在經營策略方面,從初入歌壇的市場區隔成功,一路善用策略聯盟,因成長背景優勢區域多角化非常出色,及對中國文化的深耕應用於音樂事業等,其經營策略的掌握力頗佳,所以不受產業變化之影響,故能持續不斷的創造經濟產值。 (5)整體而言,華健的人格特質及具有獨特性及價值性優越的人力資本,所以能創造優質的個人品牌,並配合其正確的經營策略,使其長期表現優於同儕。


The study aimed to explore whether if the personality traits of Emil Wa-Kin Chau facilitated him into the music industry, whose uniqueness and values can be portrayed through human capital. After 20 years of glamorous years, his branding image has left people with great impression, while his thinking model of overall values has helped him survive from the music industry and the performing stage, who becomes a successful role model of start singer. The study collected data using in-depth individual interview, literature, direct observation, and questionnaire survey to the fans, to conduct a quantitative and qualitative study on the evaluation of Emil Wa-Kin Chau in various aspects. The study discovered the follows: (1)Among the five aspects of personality traits, “extraversion” “agreeableness” “conscientiousness” “neuroticism” and “openness” “extraversion” “agreeableness” and “conscientiousness” are the distinct personality of Emil Wa-Kin Chau. (2) With regards to human capital, his talents, voice, vocal and music types are quite unique; he always reserves considerable amount of space from collaboration with peers in order to sustain long-term relationship and value. (3) With regards to branding, cognitive performance, image value and trusted identify have demonstrated excellent performance. (4) With regards to business strategy, Emil Wa-Kin Chau applied successful market segmentation upon initial entering to the music industry and utilized strategic alliance along the way. Due to his advantages in regional diversification and excellence of background as well as his deep plowing of Chinese culture to music business, he has a good command of business strategy and therefore has not been affected by changes in industry and capable to continuously create economic values. (5) In general, the personality trait, uniqueness and values, and excellent human capital of Emil Wa-Kin Chau together create excellent personal branding incorporated with correct business strategy and outperform him among peers in the long run.


