  • 學位論文


The history of Chinese Modern poetry in Vietnam Also on war Poems by Vietnamese Chinese( 1960-1975 )

指導教授 : 呂正惠


中國文學不只在國內世代承傳與演變,而散居在中國之外地域,亦有不少移民的華僑繼承與發揚中華文化,這些脫離了母體而仍自其中與當地文化習俗衍生出來的“另類中華文化”,亦會綻放出瑰麗的文學花朵。一九六○年至一九七五年期間,台灣現代詩的創作,已開始從早期的新詩之轉變,進而蓬勃成熟的始端,很多新的寫作技巧與手法幾乎完全自新詩脫胎換骨。而越華詩人很快便亦步亦趨的跟上台灣詩作的蛻變速度,在創作上有突出的表現。 這些寫出一手漂亮中文詩作之詩人,都是在異域(越南)學習中文,不但其最高學歷只有高中畢業(因當時南越並沒有中文大學),且在校受業期間,每天學習中文不得超過四小時(乃受當地政府法令限制),而這些僑居越南的華僑詩人,在如斯囿限的環境下,為何能寫出水準媲美台灣一流詩人作品,就憑這點,也該留下一些歷史的鴻爪吧。 四十餘年如電抹飛逝,曩昔那塊曾孕育華文開花結果的地方,隨着流光而逐漸被湮没遺忘,故有必要整理那段輝煌的文化歲月公諸於世,讓曾經有痕迹的留下而成歷史一部份。   本論文共分為五章,第一章緒論:就研究動機,以及陳述越華現代詩的萌芽之主因。 第二章 越華現代詩壇的組成,詩風創作的評析與詩人的簡介。 第三章 台灣現代詩運動與重要詩人對越華現代詩的互動與影響,包括刊登越華現代詩作品,至於兩地詩人之互通鴻雁,則展示於附錄內。 第四章 對傑出越華詩人生平描述與作品之評析,針對其創作的主題,就其言語的變化,戰爭所帶來的鄉愁,包括對親情、愛情、友情之「鄉愁」,以及因戰爭緾附著死亡而引起的「虛無存在」與「生存困境」等,引述詩人作品來詮釋上述三種重要之題。 第五章 對各種不同型態的戰爭詩剖析詩人的心態與處境。


Chinese literary heritage has not only evolved and passed on from generation to generation domestically, but it also spread far outside the country. Many Chinese immigrants inherit and carry forward the Chinese culture while they acculturate the indigent cultures and customs where they live and turn it into a sort of "alternative Chinese culture " whereas elegant literature flowers blossomed. During the years of 1960-1975, the revolution of modern poetry in Taiwan began to transit from the early experimental stage to the beginning of booming stage; various new skills and techniques of poetry writing were fully developed. Among the oversea Chinese poets, the Vietnamese Chinese poets kept up even more quickly every step of the rapid evolution of modern poetry in Taiwan with outstanding creativity. The Chinese Vietnamese poets who wrote Chinese poetry beautifully lived and learned Chinese in Vietnam, despite their highest level of education then was merely high school graduated (since there was no Chinese university allowed in South Vietnam,) even during each of their school day, Chinese learning was limited to no more than four hours (as subject to local government discriminative statutes), being caught in such predicament circumstance, yet, the Chinese Vietnamese poets were able to write, amazingly and comparably, at the same level of the Taiwan leading poets. Owing to this point, the Chinese Vietnamese poets shall deserve a position in the history of Chinese poetry. This essay is divided into five chapters as in the following: Chapter I: The origin purpose of this essay and illustration of major causes of the seeding of modern poetry in Chinese Vietnamese literary. Chapter II: Composition of Chinese Vietnamese literary, introduction and analysis on writing styles and biography of Chinese Vietnamese poets. Chapter III: Taiwan modern poetry movement, impact of interaction of Taiwan leading poets and Chinese Vietnamese poets, published works of Chinese Vietnamese poets and their correspondence with Taiwan poets. (As referred in the Appendix.) Chapter IV: Description on life of prominent Chinese Vietnamese poets, discussion on their poetry works, themes and nostalgia as impacts of the Vietnam war (including nostalgia of family, love, friendship…) nihilism vs. existence, “ survival dilemma" and issue of death shadowed by the war and the transformation of poetic language. Chapter V: War poetry in varied styles and analysis of the mind and situation of Chinese Vietnamese poets.


01. 水草平,為越棉寮華文報業補一章
02. 王貽高,泛談越華詩人銀髮 臺大海洋詩刊第十卷第一期 1973 年1 月
03. 余問耕,越華現代詩六十年間軼事 完稿於2008年3月30日
