  • 學位論文


Study on the lexicon Style of Guan Hanging’s Womens Drama with focus on Chinese Idioms, Chinese Allusions and pronuns

指導教授 : 高婉瑜


關漢卿是元代最具代表性的劇作家之一,他以本色風格見長,劇本曲盡人情、人物個性鮮明、語言俐落流暢為其最大的特色。關作中又以旦本劇的女性形象塑造的成就特高,稱為是本色當行的典範。關漢卿的劇作與人物形象,不只在元代雜劇,甚至是中國戲曲裡,都佔有非常重要的地位。 本文以語言風格學作為基礎學科,討論次分科詞彙風格部分,詞彙風格學屬於語言風格學中相當重要的次領域;而在研究的對象上、關注的焦點上,戲曲學都是十分重要的關鍵,尤以劇本、人物、作家風格等與戲曲學關係十分密切。由人物語言為底本,(語言)詞彙風格為基礎,擴大討論至人物、劇本、作家作品的風格及相互的關係,注重彼此之間連結的討論方式,是屬於語言風格學的新視野,而關漢卿的本色風格,正是極適合討論的對象。 本論文共分五章,第一章「緒論」,分成動機背景、關劇內涵、前人研究成果與反省、研究範圍與方法、研究詞彙相關解釋等部分。第二章研究詞彙「關劇的代詞」,從代詞的風格意義談起,再展現統計數據,再由戲曲學相關概念觀察代詞詞彙風格的展現及相互關係。第三章研究詞彙「關劇的成語典故」,同樣從成語典故的風格意義,再到統計數據的展示,再由戲曲學概念觀察統計數據在風格與關係上的內涵。第四章為比較「四大家代詞、成語典故比較」,將關作與元曲另外三大家抽樣進行各方面的比較,用以印證前章研究內容,最後第五章「結論」由大方向下手,從代詞、成語典故的風格展現與關係內涵,總結關漢卿的詞彙風格。


Guan Hanging was the one of the most representative drama writers in Yuan dynasty. The stories of his dramas are realistic and the personalities of the characters are distinctive and lifelike. Moreover, he was skilled at describing the different faces of women in his dramas, which can be considered classic in this field. For this part, he was very eminent. Guan’s works and the image of the characters he created played an important role not only in Yuan’s dramas but also in Chinese’s dramas. The thesis is based on the language and lexical style which is one of the most crucial subfields in language style. Dramas academic plays an important role in this research. Especially, scripts, characters, and writer's styles. These are highly related to dramas academic. The thesis is underpinned by lines of the characters in his dramas and his lexical style, extending to the correlation between the characters, scripts, and the writer’s style. Emphasizing on the connection with different aspects is an innovative way to explore language style. Guan Hanging dramas’ style is thus an good example to be discussed. The thesis has 5 chapters. The first is introduction which includes research motive, contents of Guan's works, the pervious results and reviews conducted by others, research methods, and lexical-related researches. In the second chapter, the research focuses on the pronouns used in Guan's dramas. It starts by discussing the meaning of pronouns style and then it shows the statistics data. Afterwards, it talks about the exhibition of pronouns styles and the relationship between pronouns used in Guan's works from dramas academic’s point of view. In the third chapter, it investigates idioms and allusions in Guan's dramas. It starts with explaining the meaning of the idioms and allusions. From dramas academic's perspective, Statistics data were used not only to observe the style of idioms and allusions but also to analyze the relationship between idioms and allusions themselves. The fourth chapter compares Guan Hanging with three other writers for the pronouns, idioms and allusions by sampling their dramas to prove the results conducted in previous chapters. Finally, it concludes the lexical style that Guan possesses by investigating the style of pronouns , idioms and allusions, and the relationship between them.


