  • 學位論文


Action Research on using ‘Structured on-the-job training’ pattern to train information volunteers of school-Case study of Taipei Municipal Shi-Dong Elementary School-

指導教授 : 王佩如


本研究係以「結構化在職訓練(S-OJT)」模式訓練學校資訊志工之行動研究,研究者先前在士東國小針對二十餘位志工進行大班電腦課程訓練成效不佳,因此希望尋找適合的訓練模式以解決訓練成效不彰與教材製作上所遭遇到之困難。從九十三年學年起陸續進行規畫,分析工作任務、準備S-OJT教材、實施S-OJT及評鑑S-OJT等流程。藉以了解S-OJT模式是否適用於學校資訊志工之訓練,並對原有之大班電腦課程進行檢討,以提升訓練成效。主要研究結果為: 壹、S-OJT之滿意度成效 一、訓練員之滿意度成效:對於訓練員的整體表現感到滿意。 二、教材滿意度之成效:依製作室設備設計之教材符合需求,並感到滿意。 三、場地環境與設備資源的運用:專用的訓練場地,空間寬敞,光線充足,對環 境感到舒適。有足夠的電腦週邊設備可供訓練及製作教材,感到滿意。 貳、S-OJT之學習與行為成效 一、大部分的志工對於訓練方法與過程表示肯定。 二、大部分志工在訓練結束時能實際完成作品,並已學會訓練課程內容。 三、在學習新的技能之後,已經能夠自行操作及運用新技能,並且充滿自信心。 四、在訓練之後,志工願意再接受訓練或自行學習新的技能。 參、大班電腦課程評析 一、剛加入的志工或學習能力較差的志工,會有跟不上進度的情形,在學習上會有不小的壓力。 二、老師無法提供及時指導與協助,其它志工可以協助指導,但其它志工指導時,並不能確實掌握正確指導之方法。 三、需要使用機器設備時,無法讓志工親自操作,可能會使訓練效果打折扣。 四、一起上課的氣氛良好,一起學習的動機比較強。但人數眾多,志工間可能會聊天而有點吵雜。 五、志工可以互相觀摩作品,學習彼此的優缺點,分享彼此的學習經驗,藉由彼此討論與觀摩,可以檢視自己的學習狀況。 肆、S-OJT訓練課程之評析 一、訓練員僅需面對1、2位志工,在較困難的步驟或志工不懂的地方,可以多做解說與示範。 二、在訓練進度上能依志工之學習狀態做調整,避免時間壓力可能產生的學習焦慮,讓志工可以專心的學習。 三、訓練方式很有效率,因為學習同樣的東西,花比較少的時間就可以學會。 四、訓練員能在旁邊指導,對於學習有很有大的幫助,能穩定志工的學習心理。五、志工可以聽到詳細的解說及看到清楚的操作示範,有助於志工課程的吸收。 六、在訓練的過程中,訓練員比較能夠知道志工是否了解,可以做立即性指導。 七、志工皆能接受S-OJT的訓練方式。 八、志工比較喜歡一對二的訓練方式。 九、電腦程度不好的志工,應該接受一對二的訓練方式。 最後,根據研究結果,研究者除自行省思做為未來行動之依據,亦提供志工之教育訓練經驗,供各校進行志工訓練時參考,並對未來研究方向提出建議,以供參考。


This action research used Structured-On-the-Job Training (S-OJT) to train school volunteers at the media center at Taipei Shi-Dong Elementary School in the hope of solving the difficulties encountered in training volunteers in traditional class setting. This action research started in 2004 in four major phases: analysis, preparation, implementation, and evaluation. This research’s major findings are as follows: (1) Satisfaction with S-OJT: Overall, the volunteers were satisfied with the trainer, the training materials, the training places, and all other resources provided. (2) Learning and Behavior Change: Most volunteers gave positive remarks regarding the new training method and process. In addition, volunteers could demonstrate their learning at the end of the training session with self-confidence. They were also willing to participate future training. (3) Evaluation of Traditional Classroom Teaching: New or less capable volunteers felt pressured to catch up in class. Peer volunteers provided support to each other when trainer couldn’t provide assistance; however, they didn’t usually provide accurate information. Classroom teaching prevented volunteers to try out the equipments; and therefore decreased the effectiveness of the training. Volunteers motivated each other in classroom setting, but also created noises. Volunteers learned from and shared with each other their own learning experience. (4) Evaluation of S-OJT: The trainer could provide individualized explanation and demonstration for the trainees. In addition, the pace was easily adjusted to decrease the learning anxiety of the trainees. The training was more effective and efficient. Volunteers could accept S-OJT model and preferred this training method over traditional classroom training. For volunteers who had less computer skills, they should be trained in one-to-two setting. Based on the research results, the researcher reflected on his behavior and adjusted his future action. Last, this research provided suggestions on training school volunteers, and on future research.




