  • 學位論文


Establishing of Establishing of the Model of Discrimination of Toll of Peak and Off-peak Periods and the Model of Finance under Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) of Freeway

指導教授 : 陳敦基


由於智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)迅速發展及其相關技術之成熟,政府當前已採取BOT方式推動民間參與高速公路電子收費系統(Electronic Toll Collection,ETC)之建置及營運。在高速公路已全面採ETC哩程收費後,基於促進高速公路國道資源有效利用之目標,當積極實施高速公路通行費率之「尖離峰差別定價」。 有鑑於此,本研究將以高速公路通行費採取「尖離峰差別定價」之費率制度為研究主軸,探討以政府立場在民間參與高速公路ETC建置與營運後,高速公路欲達到之財務自償性目標,所應訂定之通行費率水準。因此,本研究將分別建立高速公路之需求模式、總變動成本函數,以及收益函數並進行相關需求、成本及收益之未來預測;進而再考量因ETC民營化所衍生之委辦服務費支出對變動成本的影響。此外,本研究將進一步探討高速公路通行費實施尖離峰差別定價後,高速公路流量發生時間上或空間上之需求轉移,結合以上模式並考量「財務收支平衡」觀點,建立尖離峰差別下之財務均衡模式。最後,將探討在社會福利最大之目標設定下之合理費率水準,與高速公路欲達到之財務自償性目標,所應訂定之通行費率水準之差異。 實證分析結果顯示,實施尖離峰差別費率時之基準費率會低於無實施尖離峰差別費率時之基準費率,而當差別費率係數倍數增加時,在相同還本年限及折現率下,其基準費率有逐漸降低的趨勢。換言之,即高速公路採取尖離峰差別定價策略時,能有效縮短對於高速公路欲達財務收支平衡之年限,此亦符合在社會福利愈大的前提下費率愈低之期待。故政府在實施此策略在政策面及社會面上有其正面效益。 在考量社會方面,由社會福利最大目標下所求算出之基準費率,以及此費率下欲達財務收支平衡之還本年期的分析結果顯示,若只考慮社會福利最大求算均衡費率,其基準費率值相當低,但若其基準費率在尖離峰差別係數高,且折現率低時,則仍可在可接受的還本年期內達到財務收支平衡。此外,研究顯示結果當尖離峰差別倍數為2.5倍,還本年期為25年(政府財務狀況良好下),折現率為4%(市場較低的利率)時的基準費率為0.1682元,而此費率可視為在財務收支平衡及社會福利最大下之最適基準費率。 在考量合理費率調整機制下,當基準費率水準因應物價指數變動而進行每五年調整一次費率時,估算結果發現在相同還本年限及折現率下,除其還本年限前期之通行費率會較低外,在相同財務條件下調整型基準費率之社會福利將會較固定基準費率之社會福利多出3.2%,顯示合理的費率調整機制具有正面的經濟意涵。


As the rapid development of the Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) and the maturity of the relative technology, the government has taken BOT to encourage the private participating to the construction and operation of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC). However, after overall used ETC to be charged for the freeway toll, the “Discrimination of Pricing on Peak and Off-peak Periods”(DPPOP) should be implemented, in order to be more effectively using the resources of the highway. Hence, this study will take the DPPOP as core of the research for the freeway toll, and explor the setting lever of freeway toll . from the position government that cooperate with the private sector for the freeway ETC construction and operation while focusing to achieve the self-liquidating goal of financial. Therefore, the research individually built up the demand model of freeway, total variable cost function, the benefit function, and the future forecast of the relative demand, the cost and the revenue Then we also considered the influence on variable cost by the committed service charge for the privatization of ETC. Furthermore, the demand transferring in the time and space of highway after the regime of DPPOP,are combined in the above model The point of the research is the “financial breakeven” and set up the financial balance model during the DPPOP. Moreover, we will discuss the difference of the reasonable freeway tolls set up between the target social welfare and the achieving financial self-liquidating goal of the highway. The empirical results show that the basic toll will be lower while implementing the DPPOP . However, under the same discounted rate and payback period the multiple coefficients is increasing, and the trend of basic rate is getting lower . Namely, while the strategy of DPPOP is adopted in the toll collection of freeway, then the period of pay-back will be shorten to balance the revenue and expenditure. This result also match the expectation of lower toll under the objective of maximization of social welfare. It means that the government implement this strategy will generate the positive benefit for the policy and the society. In addition, we worked out the basic toll with maximum social welfare in order to balance the revenue and expenditure. The result shows that the basic toll is pretty low if we estimated the balanced rate with the maximum social welfare. However, if Peak & Off-peak’s coefficient is high and the discount rate is low, the basic toll can still achieve balance the revenue and expenditure in Equity Pay-Back Period. Besides, the result of this study shows that while discrimination pricing on peak and Off-peak coefficient is 2.5 time, and the Equity Pay-Back Period is 25 years in a good financial conditions, and the discount rate is 4% which is the lower rate in the market. Consequently, the basic toll NT$0.1682 will be generated which can be taken as the most optimal basic toll of the balance of financing and the maximum social welfare. Under the regime of reasonable adjusted toll, while the toll is adjusted every five years according with the price’ index, the estimated result shows that under the same pay-back period and discount rate, and the financial conditions, the social welfare of the adjusted toll will have more 3.2% than those of the constant toll. This indicates the regime of reasonable adjusted toll poss the positive economic meaning.


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