  • 學位論文


China’s Participation In International Mechanisms: Case Study of Kyoto Protocol

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中國在改革開放之後, 綜合國力逐漸增加,並逐步的參與國際機制的運作,其發現目前國際機制及規則大多由已開發國家所制定,對於中國這類崛起中的開發中大國發展較為不利,因此中國希望藉由積極參與國際機制的運作,來營造有利於其發展的環境。 本文藉由多邊主義的觀點,來探討中國希望藉由多邊主義下的多邊外交,逐步使國際體系朝多極化發展,並使中國成為當中的一極,使國際事務無法由單一霸權所主導。因此,中國的外交藉由「睦鄰外交」逐步擴大到「和平外交」,最後到「和諧外交」。中國並藉由參與聯合國維和行動及其主導之上海合作組織的經驗,了解到參與國際機制的重要性,因此得到應重新思考參與會限制中國發展的《京都議定書》,除了展現中國負責任大國的形象外,另一方面也希望藉此降低各國對於中國崛起的疑慮。 在參與《京都議定書》方面,雖然此類國際公約對中國的發展將造成影響,但中國仍希望藉由參與來獲取各國的資金及技術的援助,並在國內制定相關的因應措施以改善中國的產業結構,並影響相關國際機制的制定以利中國日後的發展。 因此,此論文研究發現,中國希望藉由睦鄰周邊外交的經驗,做為日後積極參與國際機制制定及修改的基礎,進而逐漸成為國際機制及事務的主要參與者和制定者,維護中國國家持續發展的戰略利益。最後,本論文希望藉由了解中國的多邊主義外交做為,對於日後台灣拓展外交空間有所助益。


國際機制 多邊主義


After the economic reform, China’s comprehensive national power has increased and joined the operation of international regimes by degrees. China, however, recognized the environment is adverse to her since most regulations and rules of international institutes were formulated by the developed countries. By actively taking part in the operation of international regimes, China tried hard to create a beneficial development environment. By using the point of view of multilateralism, the article discuss how China makes herself a “polar” through the means of multilateral foreign relations and drives the development of international regimes to multilateralizaion. That is to say, no single hegemony can dominate the international affairs. China, therefore, improves and enlarges her good-neighbor policy to a harmonious foreign policy. Through participate in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operation and as a predominately role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China understand how important to involved themselves in the international regimes, and also joins the Kyoto Protocol that will limit China’s development. In addition to display its image of a responsible great power, China also hopes to eliminate the suspicion of “the rise of China”. Although participation in international regimes, such as Kyoto Protocol, will effect China current development, but they still hope to collect capital and technology aids from foreign country. In the same time, china also reconstruct it's industrial structure, and try to influence the international regimes to benefit China future development. Finally, through the experience of diplomacy with surrounding countries, China hopes to be a participant of the Agenda setting maker when it comes to the international affairs, which can sustain China’s development and the purpose of strategic interest.


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