  • 學位論文


An Interactive Learning System of Geometric Space for Child

指導教授 : 周建興


在玩樂中學習是兒童教育中重要的議題。邊玩樂邊學習有利於開發右腦潛意識學習,進而促進全腦學習,提高學習成效。大多數的父母不單希望孩子可以玩的開心,也期望孩子能在玩樂中培養與學習各項能力。所以本論文提出一學習互動系統,讓兒童可以從玩積木中學習到幾何架構與空間概念。 積木的型態很多,形狀、顏色多樣,玩法不一致。就生理來說,兒童運用手與手指來組裝積木,可以提高手眼協調的能力。在社交角度來看,兒童可以透過合作組裝積木,來結交朋友,促進社交能力。透過積木,兒童可以學習對物體的大小、形狀、位置的描述,提昇智能。而藉由組裝或堆疊積木拼出所要的形狀,引起兒童發揮想像力,訓練創造能力。 本論文設計了一個互動系統,兒童依電腦指示,組裝出指定形狀的物體,經由辨識系統來確認其形狀是否正確。首先電腦會顯示物體的圖片,兒童組裝完成後,透過Kinect 擷取積木的深度特徵,經由物體辨識演算法,來確認所組裝的積木是否和題目一樣。物體辨識演算法是本系統的關鍵,透過Kinect的深度攝影機,擷取物體部分表面的資訊,不同於一般攝影機,光線對於Kinect的深度攝影機影響較小,經過電腦前處理,正規化,轉換成可用的特徵,接著使用KNN演算法來完成物體辨識。最後,系統會以辨識的結果來確認是否與題目指示的物體相同。 目前已完成系統原形,未來也會新增其他模式,使本系統更多元,不只在形狀上,加入Kinect的彩色攝影機的資訊擷取,使顏色也可以加入辨識系統中,讓兒童不只學習幾何架構與空間概念,還可以學習到色彩的認知。


Playful learning is a very important issue in children education. This paper proposes an interactive learning system that Combine Lego block, Kinect and computer can help child learn geometric space. Playing block has many benefits to child, whether physical or psychological. Through the playing block, child can learn the size, shape, place of the object. Build the block can also increase children's imagination and training creativity. This interactive system will show a picture which has block’s shape at first, then child has to build the block as the shape. After building, Kinect will scan the block, and input the system. By recognition algorithms of the system, the system can check the shape, whether its match the shape that picture showing or not. Nowadays, the system’s prototype has been completed. We will add different model like color detection in the future. Let child not only learn the geometric space but also learn the color recognition.


Kinect Lego Pattern recognition 3D recognition


[17]E. M. Mirkes, “KNN and Potential Energy: applet.,” University of Leicester, 2011.
[4]LPX-250 [Online] Available:
[5]Kinect Sensor Setup, Requirements, Support [Online] Available:
[6]Microsoft, Human Interface Guidelines v1.7.0, 2013, pp. 7
