  • 學位論文


A Multi-Agent Based Simulation Model for Light Rail Train Operations

指導教授 : 陶治中


輕軌運輸系統相較於其他軌道運輸系統而言,具有造價成本低、施工期短、路權選用彈性高之特性,其運量亦可達中運量水準,因此已紛紛成為我國各縣市政府推動捷運建設的另一替選方案。目前國內尚無輕軌運輸系統的實際營運經驗,多數文獻偏重於平面輕軌優先號誌課題之探討。因此本研究之模擬模式,除考量平面交叉路口特性之外,亦考量不同路權之影響,探討延誤產生時,如何因應延滯情境而啟動營運策略,維持服務品質。 本研究以多重代理人為基礎,依照系統功能性與服務對象劃分出列車、車站、路口與區域路權等四種代理人,其功能分別為:列車運行控制、判斷車站之停等時間、判斷優先號誌啟動與否、監督管理範圍內之代理人與判斷調度策略啟動與否。未來整體系統架構係假設輕軌車輛為鋼輪鋼軌系統,以GPS為車輛定位系統、並具備車載通訊設備與軌旁定位設施,列車運行為移動閉塞制;車站則分為一般車站與轉運站;優先號誌則以絕對優先為主,於情境分析時加入條件優先;營運策略則有站間趕點與縮短班距。 模擬範圍為淡海輕軌運輸系統之第一期規劃路網,共有兩條路線(分岔路線),包含A與B型兩種路權。在情境分析部分,以車站延誤時間、路口優先號誌策略及門檻值為變數,比較有無營運策略之差異。根據情境分析的模擬結果發現,若採用站間趕點策略,系統延滯時間與車站延誤時間、門檻值呈正向關係;若採用縮短班距策略,當縮短後的班距越小,系統延滯時間則越大。整體而言,班距密度、車站延誤時間、門檻值與系統延滯時間多數呈正向關係。


Comparing with other rail transit systems, LRT (Light Rail Transit) has become a better alternative to construct MRT in Taiwan because of its advantages such as low cost, short period of construction, flexibility of ROW (Right of Way) and similar capacity with a medium-capacity transit system. So far there is no LRT in operation in Taiwan and most of research studies are full of discussions surrounding the signal priority for LRT at intersections. Therefore, the proposed simulation model in this study aims at providing better LRT operation strategies to ensure service quality in case of delay occurrences for scenarios with signal priority conditions and different types of ROW. According to system functions and objects to be served, four types of agent including trains, stations, intersections and regions are classified based on multi-agent system. The functions are used to control train movement, determine waiting time at stations, give signal priority and implement operation strategies with concerned agents. The proposed LRT technical system architecture consists of wheel-rail rolling stock , GPS-based on board equipment, communication network among train, control canter and track-side facilities. Moving Automatic-blocking System (MAS) is also assumed as the train control system. Stations are classified into general stations and transfer stations. An absolute priority-based signal strategy will be used in this study, while partial signal priority strategy is only used in scenario analysis. Two types of operation strategy are recommended: one is to speed up to reduce running time and the other is to shorten headway. Tamhai LRT Lines are taken as a case study. Two lines and two types of ROW are chosen in the simulation scenarios. Variables of scenario analysis include delay time at stations, signal priority strategies and thresholds of train dispatching. According to the results of simulations, total system delay has positive relationship with delay time at stations and thresholds of train dispatching if the operation strategy to speed up is used. However, total system delay has negative relationship with delay time at stations if the operation strategy to shorten headway is used. As a whole, total system delay has positive relationship with delay time at stations, thresholds of train dispatching and density of headway that can be shown in most of results of scenario analysis.


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