  • 學位論文


The Flaneur`s Lifescape in Taipei by Picture Book

指導教授 : 吳光庭


對於城市認知的描述可有許多種不同的方式,透過語言是一種方式,而圖像亦是一種具有張力與想像空間的媒介。圖像的表達是一種溝通的工具,讓觀者可有視覺上的刺激,另一方面,圖像背後可能隱喻、批判著更多生活議題,而圖像所配合輔助的書寫,是繪圖者本身抒發情感與感覺認知的媒介,因此,圖文的張力,似乎比直接透過語言來的有意涵。 本論文試圖透過自身熟悉的溝通語言─繪本,作為個人對於台北城生活經驗的認知書寫,以自我個人化的第一人稱描述我所見、所感覺到的台北城,同時以「步行的漫遊者」作為空間實踐的態度,並透過尺度上由大變小的差異角度呈現不同的繪本觀點,這樣的繪本過程,對於自身是一種深入台北城生活的方式,同時「漫遊者」的態度更可以反應一種文化觀察的眼光與反思,呈現出兩種差異尺度的繪本─巨觀與微觀,最後將這些圖像予以安排成一個觀看城市的方法與態度。 在繪本的的設計態度方面,包含以下兩種: 1.巨觀的台北城(我的台北上河圖):類似於清明上河圖的捲軸閱讀經驗,本研究以始政四十週年台灣博覽會的策展計畫作為研究背景,再透過各時代生活價值觀系統後的自我結論,重新選擇六條新的觀看路徑,將各路徑的城市現況描繪出來,同時包含個人化的透視與重組,改變部分現況成為一個可敘述這時代生活價值的圖說,是一個瀏覽式、全面式的在陳述台北城生活地景。 2.微觀的台北城(四個城中故事):此階段的繪本受到蔡明亮電影《天橋不見了》及卡爾維諾《看不見的城市》一書的影響,開始走進城中的騎樓、巷弄之間,開始體驗較為細膩的生活經驗,並歸納出四個自身較為深刻的主題─記憶中的台北城、日劇時期凝滯的台北城、補習生活的台北城及以「亂」字來形容的台北城。 本研究最後將這兩階段的繪本作一次整理,並以「策展」假想的program試圖將兩者構成一件事情,這樣的結果是企圖將本研究所認知的台北城清楚的透過展覽形式呈現出來,而整個台北城的經驗濃縮在這些抽象與想像的繪本與文字書寫之間,是以「漫遊者」的自身態度來詮釋,讓觀者能夠進入本研究所心中所認知與詮釋後的台北城,在圖像背後所隱喻與批判的意義當中,重構出新的台北城生活地景。


漫遊者 空間實踐 生活地景 繪本 策展


For a description of the city will have many ways, language is a way, while the picture is also a way of convincing description.Images can be said is a communication tool, let audience have a visually stimulating and inspiration, or the images inkled a sence of critics. This research through the “picture book” as a experience the life of Taipei in personally description.That is an even more personal manner in this research. With attitude of the”flaneur” to go to the interpretation of the city's cultural observation.The scale of the picture book from huge scope to small, gradually in-depth the life of Taipei City experience. It displayed the “megacromic and microcosmic things” in this two scales of picture book. Finally, I arranged all images and let it become a personal thinking for interpreting of the experiences the life of Taipei. The following is a brief introduction to the picture book in this research: 1.The megacromic Taipei City (the new routes): I compared “Along the River During the Ching-Ming Festival” visual experience, to begin during political 40th anniversary Taiwan Exposition as the research background, reselect the six to watch the path of the Taipei City, through individualised perspective, restructuring and change real conditions, become a part to describe the values of integrity. This is a browser type and a comprehensive survey. 2.The micro Taipei City (four stories): With the film《The Skywall Is Gone》and the book《Le Citta invisibili》as a secondary. Through the attitude of “flaneur” walk into the arcade or alleys in Taipei City, to described more delicate life experience, and generalized four conclusions : topic-memory, being stagnant, cram life and disorder in Taipei City. Finally, the two phases of the picture book by an imaginary exhibition program constituted the complete history of life in Taipei, and the entire life of Taipei City lifescape that is concentrated in the picture books of these abstract and imagination images. This conclusion is according to the attitude of flaneur, metaphor and criticism of the city life issues, reconstruction of a new lifescape in Taipei city.


Flaneur Picture Book Lifescape Practice of Space Exhibition


Aldo Rossi
Edward Relph
Kevin, Lynch
Stephen Segaller, Merrill Berger
Tim Cresswell


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郝辰修(2011)。收藏旅行 顯影中興生活痕跡〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00539
