  • 學位論文


In search of memory and identity: A semiotic study on T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Octavio Paz's Piedra de sol

指導教授 : 林盛彬


墨西哥詩人帕斯(Octavio Paz, 1914-1999)於一九九O年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎。其學識淵博,著作相當豐富,內容涉及藝術、政治、哲學思想、文學理論、創作等方面。在散文《弓與琴》中,他說:「詩是認識,救贖,力量,放棄。詩的活動是本性的革命,是足以改變世界的手段;是心靈的訓練,內在解放的方法。詩揭露這個世界;而創造了另一個世界」(1983:13)。《太陽石》是帕斯的超現實主義詩作,全詩共584行,首尾重疊,形成閉環結構,仿佛一部文字的石曆。詩中展現現代人類的存在狀態。而世界的生死輪回、晝夜更替、時空置換像太陽石曆本身的循環運動,周而復始,無窮無盡;亦或更像一個永生的巨大瞬間。帕斯藉詩來發現生命,發現自己,進而探究生命的本質。 艾略特(T. S. Eliot, 1888-1965)於美國密蘇里州的聖路易斯一頗富有的中產階級家庭。艾略特的《荒原》可說是二十世紀最常被討論的一首詩。此詩非常的複雜難解,因本詩中用典極多。內容包含喬叟的坎特柏列故事集(Canterbury Tales),莎士比亞,奧維德(Ovid),荷馬(Homer),漁人國王(Fisher King)等故事,以及一些其他印度或佛教的故事添加《荒原》的豐富性與教化的意義。 本論文以茱莉亞•克莉絲蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)的符號學做為研究方法,探究與比較艾略特《荒原》與帕斯《太陽石》中主要三項主題-宗教、時間觀與歷史背景。我希望將克莉絲蒂娃所探討的文化主體性問題放置於幾個脈絡之下討論,更為清楚地掌握她的符號學及文化研究是如何展開的。這些問題脈絡依序是:(1)符號(2)能指(3)所指。由此符號學的分析方式,一層一層的揭開兩首詩更深層的意涵。


Octavio Paz (1914-1998) was a Mexican diplomat, poet and writer. Octavio Paz wrote prolifically during his lifetime, publishing frequently. Over the course of his long career, Paz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, Cervantes Prize, Mexican National Literature Prize and many literary awards. One of his great poems called Piedra de sol (Sun stone) is a peculiar perspective from his ancestral Aztec culture. It takes as its structural basis the circular Aztec calendar, which measured the synodic period of the planet Venus (584 days, which is known as the number of lines of Sunstone). This poem is considered an exploration of time and memory upon some important historical events. On the other hand, the other poet that we will talk about is T. S. Eliot (1888-1965). He is not only one of the most important poets of the twentieth century, but also as literary critic and commentator on culture and society. His writing continues to be profoundly influential. Some of his literary critics and poems have a certain influence on Octavio Paz writing; therefore, this is also the main reason why I have chosen these two important poets of twentieth century to investigate. This thesis is basically a comparative analysis upon T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and Octavio Paz’s Piedra de sol (Sun stone), based on a semiotic study which is offered by the Bulgarian literary critic Julia Kristeva. In order to have a more precise interpretation, I divided this thesis in three stages according to Kristeva’s semiotics, that is, the 1st stage: the signs, the 2nd stage: genotext (which is considered signifier) and last but not least, the 3rd stage: phenotext (which is viewed as signified). By this systematical analysis, we shall see better and deeper the panorama of T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and Octavio Paz’s Piedra de sol (Sun Stone).


Eckermann, J. P. (1949) “Conversaciones con Goethe”; en Clásicos Jackson, Vol. XXXVII. BuenosAires: W. M. Jackson Inc. Pág.185.
Kenner, H. (1965). The Invisible Poet. London: W. H. Allen.
張錯(Dominic Cheung),2011,《西洋文學術語手冊》。台北:書林出版有限公司。
Jenny, L. (1982) “The Strategy of Form”, Tzvetan Todorov (ed.), French Literary Theory Today. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, Pág. 38.
