  • 學位論文


An Examination on the Abnormal Returns of a Selected Group in Taiwan Warrants Markets

指導教授 : 倪衍森


自1997年9月台灣證券市場首次發行認購權證以來,由於權證有以小博大的高槓桿特性,因此吸引許多券商法人與投資者的投入,台灣認購權證市場總成交單位數及總成交金額因而逐年增加。國內外關於選擇權評價模式很多,其中最常見的如:Stoll(1969)的買權賣權評價理論(Put-Call-Parity)、Black and Scholes (1973)所提出的Black - Scholes評價模型等。然而不論何種評價模式,在實際應用於權證評價時,均常因為模型假設條件的設定與實際市場之現狀及法規限制有所差異,而存在系統性誤差,即以模型套用於權證評價時,理論價格常與實際市價產生錯價(Mispricing)。 由於投資市場即是希望以較低的風險取得較高的風險溢酬,在以往的文獻中雖多所指出錯價之存在,但卻少有以實證模式進行異常報酬(Abnormal Return, AR)及報酬率幅度之探討,因此本研究即嘗試以實證分析的角度,設定操作模型來探討台灣證券市場中幾個較為特殊的股票族群,探究其權證是否因市場之無效率性而存在AR,此操作模型是否可以提供投資人一個買賣策略的參考,找出交易的進出時點,幫助投資人能以較低的風險取得較高的風險溢酬;最後再以Logit Models進行異常報酬之影響因素分析。 本研究之實證結果如下: 一、從錯價的層面分析,台灣認購權證市場普遍存在高估之現象。 在本研究所選取的全部76檔樣本權證之共9381個交易日中,高 估次數為8378次(89.31%),低估次數為1003次(10.69%),顯見 高估為常態,低估則是市場效率失衡時的偶發現象,也是投資 人有機會進行獲取AR操作的機會點。 二、高價股(HP)族群之權證比低價股(LP)族群之權證有更多的 獲取AR的機會。 在全部112次AR事件數中,HP族群有111次(99.11%)、LP族群則 為0次。累積AR報酬率方面,HP族群為10.16%,LP族群則無AR報 酬。HP族群(全部皆為電子類股)之權證特質,值得投資人進一 步去發掘及利用。 三、本研究設計之錯價買賣模型,在無交易成本條件下,確可模擬 出一個利用錯價事件進行獲取AR之操作模型及策略,尤其是HP 族群樣本上實證時,有顯著的績效。然而,若計入交易成本, 則報酬率將變成負值,即一般投資人在本研究所選定的特殊族 群樣本下,以本研究所精心設定的錯價買賣操作模型來進行模 擬交易,若加計交易稅及手續費後,則無法得到正的累積AR報 酬。 四、AR事件數、成交量(股)平均值、低估次數佔交易日比率等對權 證之正的累積AR報酬率有顯著影響。 關鍵字:認購權證、錯價、異常報酬、Logit Models


This thesis is trying to develop an operational model for examining on the abnormal returns (AR) of selected groups such as high price (HP) group, and low price (LP) group in Taiwan warrants market, and the findings of the thesis are summarized as follows. 1. This study findings indicate that 8378 times of overvalued (89.31%) and 1003 times of undervalued (10.69%) among the total 9381 trading days. The market prices of warrants are frequently overvalued in Taiwan warrants market, and are occasionally undervalued. The events of undervalued is the opportunities of earning AR. 2. The warrants of the HP group have more opportunities of earning AR than the warrants of the LP group. The characteristics of the warrants of the HP group including 100% electronic stocks are worthy to further probe. 3. Under the assumption of no transaction fee, the AR model provided pretty good empirical results, especially for HP group. However, the cumulative profits are negative if concerning transaction fees including tax and operating cost. . 4. The factors of impacting cumulative AR (CAR) are the quantity of AR (ARQ), the average of trading warrant quantity (QA) and the ratio of undervalued times (LE), since these three variables all show significant and positive effects to CAR. Key word: Warrant, Mispricing, Abnormal Returns, Logit Models


Warrant Mispricing Abnormal Returns Logit Models


Barone-Adesi, and Robert E. Whaley (1987),” Efficient Analytic Approximation of American Option Values,” Joumal of Finance,Vol.42, pp.301-320.
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