  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Park Guiding System

指導教授 : 鄭建富


人工作業的車位導引無法提供全天候的服務。本文所研發的智慧停車場系統(SPGS)在不影響原使用者習慣下,藉由照明設備控制與引導,減少人力與能源的浪費。智慧停車場(SPGS)使用車位顯示以及方向性的車位指引協助駕駛找到車位。本論文使用Octopus X嵌入式系統,設計一個自動化控制節點,用於建構智慧停車場系統(SPGS),並且具備容易安裝架設與維護成本低廉。Octopus X以TI CC2430晶片為開發核心,藉由ZigBee無線網路用於控制訊號傳輸,藉由無線網路的控制部屬,可捨去架設、佈線的麻煩,可直接增添套用於現有的停車場環境設施中。


SPGS 智慧停車場 Octopus X 嵌入式系統 CC2430 ZigBee


The manual parking guide could not support any car on demand. In this thesis, a parking system called Smart Parking Guide System (SPGS), which uses intelligent lighting control to guide the car parking while it reduces energy wastage without changing user behavior. To achieve the goal of SPGS, an embedded control module with Octopus X embedded system is considered as the hardware platform. The SPGS provides driver with rich information, including not only the available parking slots but also directional indicators toward parking space to assist drivers to find parking slots.


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