  • 學位論文


Sung Dynasty's demon world— indicates the belief life from the folktale the discussion

指導教授 : 黃繁光


宋代的精怪類型龐雜,其中以動物體系的精怪佔大多數,土石及人造器物類型者次之,植物類型者又次之。另外,宋人筆記中還有許多不知名的「怪物」或「怪獸」。宋代怪物沒有固定的原形,種類各異且神出鬼沒,人們很難找到牠們的蹤跡。至於怪獸,在本文專指蛟跟龍兩類,牠們有自己的原始形貌,也多具有固定的活動區域。 從筆記資料來看,宋代的精怪頗具人性,牠們與人互動時亦不避嫌,人們對牠雖有畏懼,但大體上仍能以平常心看待牠們。故宋人在面對精怪時,往往視其為一種「自然存在」,這種從實際層面看待精怪存在的體認模式,與佛教講求眾生平等的思想相結合後,呈現出「物我平等」的意念,成為宋代精怪故事的特色之一。此外,宋人認為人與精怪同樣受到因果律的支配,不管是作祟的精怪為人所殺,或者人類殺害無辜的精怪而造孽,這些作為都必然產生相稱的因果報應,因此果報情節經常是精怪故事裡最大宗的內容結構。 宋代的精怪信仰內容也相當豐富,人們祭祀精怪是往往是聽信牠們很靈驗,凡顯靈驗的精怪祠廟,不只百姓十分熱衷,甚至官府也相當重視,可謂是以比較現實的層面去進行信仰活動。而宋代官方對精怪信仰的態度,主要依據三項原則來評判:一、有無靈驗事蹟。二、有無妨礙官方統治。三、是否危害善良風俗。如果精怪信仰明顯違反了這些準則,地方長吏不惜採取毀祠禁信的行動,反之,若大致過得去,官員們則默許牠們繼續存在,這種態度迴異於唐代嚴格查禁的政策,從這一點來說,宋代官府對民間信仰的政策顯然寬鬆許多。 除了信仰方面之外,宋代精怪傳說的其他功能,主要表現在社會及生態方面。在社會功能上,精怪傳說呈現了「戒色」和「戒殺」的社會價值觀。戒色故事在警告民眾應該遠離美色誘惑,以潔身自持為尚。戒殺故事則深受佛教果報思想影響,強調戒殺護生就是對一切有情生命的尊重,並以果報情節告戒人類不得任意濫殺,否則將會自嘗惡果。 生態功能方面主要表現在動植物的保育作用上。宋代工商經濟發達,人口遽增,自然資源消耗快速,政府雖有限制採捕,但成效不彰。透過精怪索命、懲罰獵者及精怪乞命等民間傳說,緩和了獵捕濫殺的肆虐。宋代林木的濫伐同樣嚴重,官方不僅無法有效禁止民間斫伐,甚至加入濫採的行列,使得宋代林木資源加劇消耗,筆記裡林木精怪報復伐木者的故事,強調樹木有靈,隨意採伐必遭樹木精怪懲罰云云,具有相當的嚇阻效果。樹木精怪與人心感通的傳說,也讓人興起保護樹木的意念,成為保育林木的助力。


宋代 精怪 因果報應 信仰活動 生態保育


Demons described in literary sketches of Sung Dynasty are numerous and disorderly. Animal-like demons are the most. Next comes terracotta and man-made utensil-like demons, then the plant-like ones. Aside from this, many unknown monsters and legendary animals are also found in sketchbooks of Sung Dynasty. Monsters can hardly be traced because of their quick movements and various appearances. As for legendary animals, flood dragons and dragons, which have regular looks and usually appear in fixed areas, are mainly discussed in the thesis. According to the materials, we may find that most philosophers and common people of Sung Dynasty considered that demons do exist in the world. A combination of the view mentioned above and the belief in Buddism that the equality between oneself and the external world features one idea that revealed in many mysterious stories of Sung Dynasty---all creatures are equal. In addition, they also deem that both man and spirits (or demons) are controlled by the law of retribution. If man kills evil spirits (or demons) , he will pay for it and vice versa. In accordance with this conception, retribution for evil ( or good) deeds becomes the main idea of supernatural stories. Demon belief of Sung Dynasty was varied and manifold. People offered sacrifices to demons that met their needs with unbelievable accuracy. Not only commoners but bureaucrats were very interested in worshipping. The government’s attitude towards demon belief was open-minded, mainly based on three principles: 1. if the spirits can fill people’s needs. 2. if it threatens the regime. 3. if it affects good custom. If the religious service obviously violated these criteria, local officials will destroy temples or shrines and restrain the act of worship. Otherwise, the existence of religious activities was allowed. Apparently, Sung Dynasty operated a flexible policy on folk belief. Demon legends of Sung Dynasty have social and ecological effects. The social effect lies in the plot of abstaining from carnal pleasure and giving up killing. On the one hand, people were told not to indulge in sexual desire and keep themselves innocent and pure from the lust caution plots. On the other hand, one may suffer the consequences of one’s doing if he or she hunts without plan by reading the life protection legends. The ecological effect lies in protecting and taking care of animals and plants. Due to its prosperity and highly-developed industry, trade and commerce, the consumption of natural resources was enormous. Although excessive hunting was strictly banned by the government, it seemed that it didn’t work. But with the spread of these retribution stories, less and less wildlife was trapped. However, the situation of excessive felling of trees was serious in Sung Dynasty and some government officials were accomplices. Therefore, a large amount of trees and woods disappeared. Fortunately, in some folk legends, a woodcutter must get punishment from forest demons if he cuts down trees at will. These stories helped to stop the worsening situation and people began to pay much attention to plant trees.




