  • 學位論文


Implementation and Applications of Pavement Network Rehabilitation Management System and Geographic Information System

指導教授 : 李英豪


隨著台灣經濟的起飛,國民所得持續增加,以致我國的交通量日漸成長,公路建設也隨之擴充成長。政府對於公路工程建設投入大量的心血,而在道路面積不斷增加之同時,用路者對公路服務品質之要求也就隨之提高,造成道路維修工程逐漸繁重且複雜之趨勢。為符合用路者對公路服務品質之要求,進而增加道路鋪面的使用期限,除了在公路設計方面,要有適當的標準之外,對於既有的道路鋪面要必須進行正確及適當的維護管理。 本研究依鋪面狀況、交通運輸需要、調查便利化、經濟分析,並以本土化應用與系統整合為手段,逐步建立台灣地區基層施工養護單位的公路鋪面管理系統,以供公路主管當局作為評估道路服務能力及決定整修養護優先順序之參考。本文研究將自鋪面管理系統的功能與意義介紹起,回顧國內外鋪面管理發展之歷程與現況,希望能從鋪面養護管理的層次著眼,探究如何於國內高速公路上落實鋪面養護管理之網路層次。 本研究主要目的在整合資料庫與最佳化路網維修分析系統以及商用地理資訊系統在鋪面管理系統之研究。國內已逐漸接受路網層級之鋪面管理較適合以抽樣方法及均質路段觀念來進行資料調查與收集。本研究使用微軟的資料庫程式軟體與ArcGIS 9.0之動態分段模組來建構其資料庫系統,並自動產生均質路段之資料庫。儘管如此,對於整合研究團隊之相關模組並修正TKUNET 2.0程式之部分錯誤,仍是一件相當大的挑戰。根據文獻最先運用全球定位系統的概念是使用在位置資料的自動蒐集,但到目前為止並沒有文獻可支持在鋪面管理上GPS是一項值得探討的研究,因此,現在仍能採用傳統之線性參照位置。本研究利用其地理資訊系統最常使用之通用格式,將其座標系統數值化匯出並建立一套獨立GIS模組。並修正及解決最佳化分析之鋪面路網維修管理策略,在GIS模組上所顯示的問題。 本程式為TAINET 1.0,可協助管理階層之使用者在鋪面管理系統上,回答各種有關於「如果…那麼會」的問題,像養護維修所需的經費、有效的成本與各種不同養護策略可能產生的結果與鋪面的服務能力評估等問題。此開發系統可運用於有限的資源下,以最少的時間、人力及成本來進行道路維修工程,期望建立一套符合國人需求之本土化應用與系統整合的鋪面管理系統。


This study is a continuous research effort to integrate a prototype database structure and network rehabilitation optimization algorithms into a commercial geographic information system (GIS) for “network level” pavement management in Taiwan. The concepts of “sampling” and “uniform section” have been proposed for domestic pavement network data collection procedures and database structure. The relational database structure of Microsoft Access software program and the “dynamic segmentation” procedure provided by ArcGIS 9.0 software program have been adopted to automatically generate summarized uniform section databases. Nevertheless, it was still a very challenging task in resolving several system integration problems of the existing TKUNET 2.0 program. The idea of automatically collecting location data using Global Positioning System (GPS) sensors was first reviewed. According to the literature, however, so far there is no evidence to support the argument that it is a wiser investment. Thus, traditional method using linear location referencing system was still adopted. The ArcGIS geocoordinate data was exported using the most popular geospatial vector data format (or “shapefile”), which has been implemented in a stand alone GIS presentation module accordingly. Many user-friendly interfaces for graphical representation of the network pavement databases were also developed. In addition, the existing problems of integrating various optimization algorithms of alternative strategies in pavement network rehabilitation management into the GIS presentation module have now been resolved. As such, the newly revised program is renamed as TAINET 1.0, in which many user-friendly interfaces could be used to assist high-level pavement management officials in answering various “what … if …” questions such as the determination of future rehabilitation needs, cost-effectiveness studies, tabular and graphical query, network summary and graphical presentations of optimized budget allocation problems. It is suggested that practical trial applications should be conducted using this prototype system so as to assure the best use of our limited resources for network pavement rehabilitation through minimum time, effort and cost.


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