  • 學位論文


The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Culture Value in Hakka Cultural Park

指導教授 : 李月華
共同指導教授 : 趙慕芬(Mu-Fen Fhao)


隨著族群意識高漲、文化觀光產業推動與體驗式旅遊議題發燒等背景下,文化產業的發展越益蓬勃。客家人為台灣多元族群之一,相關機構也隨著觀光產業發展趨勢,結合體驗設備介紹客家文化。除了經濟產值目標的追尋,也希望能夠加深民眾對客家文化價值認同的意象,因此本研究探究透過客家文化園區體驗行銷的手法對文化價值認同程度是否影響,進而影響文化產值,奠定客家人在台灣人心中不可或缺的地位。 本研究從體驗著手,將體驗行銷分作感官、思考、行動與關聯體驗運用至客家文化觀光產業,以美學、精神、社會、歷史、象徵、原創等六項文化價值作為主要分析層面,進一步了解顧客對客家文化體驗內化之價值認同,並以重遊意願口碑效果與文化商品購買來衡量文化產值。 本研究以量化方式針對沒有去過客家文化園區的民眾及有去過客家園區的遊客進行問卷調查。再透過SPSS與AMOS統計套裝軟體分別進行樣本數分析與整體結構方程模型分析,以及路徑分析和測試參數間的臨界比值驗證研究假說。 最後根據分析將研究結果歸納如下: 1.客家文化園區帶給遊客體驗上,有助於感官體驗與關聯體驗對文化價值之認 同的提升。 2.客家文化價值認同的建立,有助客家文化價值的提升。 3.民眾對客家文化園區的資料來源多為親朋好友、大眾傳播媒體。 本研究針對經營管理面建議客家文化相關業者可以運用大眾傳播、口碑效應宣傳相關活動,透過刺激遊客的感官體驗與關聯體驗,以提升遊客對客家文化價值之認同,強化文化產值的成長。


In the following background of ethnic consciousness, the promotion of cultural tourism industry, and experiential travel. The development of cultural industries is becoming more prosperous. Hakka is one of Taiwan's population. Many related organizations along with trends in the tourism industry, combining with experiential equipments to introduce the Hakka culture. In addition to pursuing the target of economic output, also hopes to deepen the value of public recognition in its culture. Therefore, this study explored through experiential marketing on Hakka Cultural Park which influences on identification of the cultural value or not, and the effect of cultural output value. In order to establish Hakka is an indispensable population in Taiwan. This study started from the experience, such as the experiential marketing is divided into sense, think, act, related experience, and use in Hakka cultural tourism industry. Also the cultural value is including aesthetic, spiritual, social, historical, symbolic, and original. Using the revisit intension, word-of-mouth influence, and the purchase of typical goods as to measure the cultural value. In this study, following the quantitative method as to develop a questionnaire, and survey the visitors between those who have gone to Hakka cultural park or those who have not. Finally, samples and SEM are applied analysis with SPSS and AMOS. Hypothesis is tested with path analysis and critical ratios for differences in the parameters. Result findings are as following: 1.Hakka Cultural Park offers an experience for visitors, as to help to improve the sense, related experience and enhance the identification of culture values. 2.The establishment of the identification in cultural value which enhances the value of Hakka culture. 3.The source for people to know the Hakka Cultural Park are mostly through friends and relatives, and popular media. This study suggests that the Hakka culture-related industries can use the mass media, word-of-mouth as to advertise the Hakka related activities. By stimulation in the sense and relate experience of visitors, enhancement of identification in cultural value, and strengthening the growth of cultural output.


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