  • 學位論文


Knowledge Mapping and Research Performance Assessment in the Field of Transportation : A Case Study of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陶治中


當今是全面數位化的網路生活時代,學術文獻已從紙本形式轉變為電子化形式,充足便利的電子文獻資源大幅降低知識擴張的空間障礙,知識得以廣泛的傳播,以為後人所借鑑,因此電子化資料庫成為一項學者進行研究的有力工具。臺灣目前知識領域視覺化相關研究產出鮮少,運輸科學研究領域亦是如此。有鑒於此,本研究嘗試結合國內外知識產出繪製出知識圖譜,全面統計產官學研多面向文獻成果,深入瞭解我國ITS領域之知識產出及其學術群聚現況。 實證分析根據國內外ITS知識產出成果,運用知識視覺化軟體工具CiteSpace繪製全球ITS共被引知識圖譜,其節點類型包含國家、作者及關鍵字等,分析其全球前瞻研究學術群聚現況;此外,為聚焦至我國ITS知識產出現況,因應我國資料庫尚付闕如之現況,以人工方式彙整我國學術論文資料,應用Ucinet社會網路分析軟體繪製文獻分布現況知識圖譜,藉以釐清我國學術產出分布現狀及其研究主題。 經由實證分析結果顯示,全球ITS研究呈現蓬勃發展的趨勢,以ATMS領域研究成果數量最多,ATIS領域次之。CiteSpace在探測研究方向、前瞻研究、重要作者與文獻等方面皆可有效呈現各種知識群聚之現象;我國學術論文產出部分以成大、臺大、交大、淡大、逢甲以及中華6所大學為主要ITS論文產出機構,大多皆以ATMS領域研究成果數量最多,少數如台北交通大學及中華大學分別以CVOS和AVCSS為主要研究領域。產業專利技術部份以中華電信申請數量區居第一。 綜合統整歸納ITS知識產出文獻,遴選出重要學者後,本研究最後建構我國ITS知識產出影響力之評鑑指標,以AHP專家問卷定義指標權重值並代入實際數值計算進行客觀排序,並示範性繪製ATMS領域學術群聚知識圖譜呈現該領域學術群聚分布現況。本研究實證分析程序可供我國其他社會管理科學領域借鏡,彙整ITS知識產出資料可供我國相關產官學相關研究人員作為參考依據。


The academic literatures have been transformed in the form of paper into electronic one due to digital life with Internet nowadays which can overcome space obstacles of knowledge expansions. Therefore electronic database on the web are one of powerful resources for researchers. However, there are few studies on knowledge mapping in the field of transportation science in Taiwan. This study aims at providing knowledge maps of ITS and quantifying ITS knowledge outputs with clusters by subjects, institutions and authors in Taiwan. The empirical study is conducted based on English ITS database on the web. Global ITS knowledge maps are drawn by using CiteSpace software to demonstrate co-citation networks which nodes include countries, authors and keywords. The same approach is applied to domestic ITS knowledge maps. Because there are no electronic database for ITS in Taiwan, manual screening of ITS documents is inevitable and ITS knowledge maps are drawn by using Ucinet software in order to demonstrate ITS knowledge outputs with clusters by subjects, institutions and authors in Taiwan. The results of the empirical study show that research developments of ITS are very promising worldwide. CiteSpace is proven to be a good tool for demonstrating ITS knowledge maps with clusters by subjects, institutions and authors. Most of ITS knowledge outputs focus on ATMS, and then on ATIS. Six universities such as National Cheng Kung University, National Taiwan University, National Chiao Tung University, Tamkang University, Feng Chia University, and Chung Hua University are identified to be prominent institutions of ITS knowledge outputs in Taiwan. Especially, most of ITS knowledge outputs are ATMS, while outputs in CVOS and AVCSS are also found in National Chiao Tung University and ChungHwa University. The ITS knowledge outputs with clusters by authors are finally summarized to assess their research performance by using AHP. The ranking results and corresponding knowledge maps provide an overview of current performance status of ITS scholars in different ITS service areas in Taiwan. The approach in this study can be adapted to other disciplines with similar processes. The manually summarized ITS database can also be regarded as references for those researchers who need academic ITS developments from 1990 to 2010.




